(even if you aren't vegan)
The Clamserver is a continent in the EEWorld consisting of various countries. Many of these are so large, they are now subcontinents.
The leaders of The Clamserver are King Super Sam and his immortal and slightly insane pet, Almighty Clamburger. It is, like the Homestar Runner Wiki, connected to the Fellowcity.
[hide]Known sections of The Clamserver
There are many countries and subcontinents in The Clamserver, but most of them are unmapped and have rarely been traversed.
Wiki User Wiki
Main article: Wiki User Wiki
The Wiki User Wiki is a subcontinent that houses most of the residents, called Clambians, of The Clamserver. Although there is a President of the Wiki User Wiki, most of the Clambians are anarchists. The other percentage seems to be made up of atheistic or plain religionless people, with certain lifestyle choices like homo or bisexuality.
Decemberween Gift Exchange
Decemberween Gift Exchange is a peculiar continent. It is only active during the winter. At any other time, time literally freezes. This, unfortunately, has caused various deaths of Users, as when entering the DGE when it is frozen, your vital organs will stop functioning as well as your movement, causing death. Back to Main