(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Mitchell/Answering Machine/1
Mitchell & Elly's Answering Machine #1
Zippy calls to ask about the PPC, Chwoka talks about Wiki TV, Homestar Runner asks for a churro place and Ryan Bluefox prank calls.
Cast (in order of appearance): Elly Parker, Zippy, Chwoka, Homestar Tiger, Homestar Runner, Ryan Bluefox
Elly's Greeting
ELLY: Hello, this is Elly Parker. If you're trying to reach me or Mitchell, we are currently going out and walking our The Cheat, Steve. If you are trying to reach Homsar, he is... {picks up paper and reads, sound-only} finding his inner singer... Mary? Whatever that means. Leave a message.
Message 6
ZIPPY: Hey, Mitch! Hey, do you still live in FCUSA? How's Strong Bad doing without me around? Is the FCUSA branch of the PPC still active? They'd better be, dangit! Anyhow, got to go. See ya 'round!
Message 5
CHWOKA: Hey, Mitch! Uh, we started Wiki TV up again, can you do Mitchell's Mailbag for us once more again? I mean, I know you're stuck in FCUSA, but show up by 9 tomorrow if you want the job.
Message 4
HOMESTAR TIGER: Hi, I'd like to order a large pizza, one half with everything on it, the other half with ham and pineapple, and a large diet soda. And some cinnamon sti-- Wait, this isn't the Pizza place? Oh, nevermind. {beep}
Message 3
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hello? Is this the churro place down the street? Yeah, no? No. Wrong number, I guess! If churro place down the street stops by, tell him I called! {beep}
Message 2
STRONG RAD: Hey, Mitchell, have you thought of making a rock opera using one word from each of your answering machine messages? Let me know if you do! {beep}
Message 1
RYAN BLUEFOX: Hello. This is...ahem...John Everyguy. I'm here to advertise...Stink-On-ERRR I mean...Stink-Off. It's my new brand of deodorant that'll make your pits smell awful...ly good! Just rub it on, and SHAMWOW! You smell like a pile of...money! Whatever money smells like... I have recieved your order for 20,382 sticks of it, but since you are our favorite customer, you get double for the price of none! Goodbye! {snickers, beep}
Fun Facts
- Zippy, star of Zippy Emails, used to live in FCUSA. The PPC was a military organization created by Zippy during the events of the old Zippymails.
- Wiki TV was originally a show on the original Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki that has since been lost due to the site going down after a long period of time, which has made a return at the Wiki User Wiki.
- Apparently, Strong Rad did make a rock opera out of his answering machines; it's on the talk page.