(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Mitchell/1-Up & Friends
From Wiki User Wiki

1. Anime, Decemberween & More - 1-Up starts off his show to a fairly small audience.
None as of yet. Are currently in production.
Viewer-Generated Input
If you want to ask a question and have it answered by 1-Up, post it below.
- I want to have a Happy christmas. But, my parents are dead. {sighs}
- In general, is anime pretty good or a little shotty? This is overall, not all.
- The only Weeaboo like quality I have anymore is my preference of Japanese girls, am I still a Weeaboo?
- I can answer that for you: That's not being a weeaboo, it's just kinda racist.
If you want to have a Homestar Runner character or yourself interviewed by 1-Up on the show, please post your/his/her name below.