(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Homestar tiger/igiveup
Pah, I can't take it.
You all are so... weird.
Don't get me wrong, I was the weird one. But to me you guys are hard to figure out.
You're serious at times, You're nutsy at others. And most of all, you are all kind of hateful.
If I can't learn to get used to it by my wikiversary. I'm taking a break from here. I might pop in every now and then, but for the long shot, I'm pretty much gone.
--Homestar tigerGeronimo! 03:44, 15 August 2009 (UTC)
Y'Know, you all need to think of something better than this.
I like to draw.
And sing.
And build with Legos.
And writing stories.
And I'm starting High School.
And I'm thinking about filming.
And making a short film.
I think that I'm going to inflate 99 Red Balloons, release them in my downtown, and film it and put it on YouTube with the song 99 Red Balloons.
Go do something, foo'! --Homestar tigerGeronimo! 02:07, 16 August 2009 (UTC)
I think I'll buy a butterfly knife. --Homestar tigerGeronimo! 03:28, 16 August 2009 (UTC)