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TheDenzel's Interview Show/TheCheese

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TheDenzel's interviews TheCheese


THEDENZEL: Welcome back! Our next guest is TheCheese! Please help me in giving him a warm welcome!

{TheCheese descends from the heavens with an orchestra of angels. He puts out the Second Gen in the ashtray and takes a seat after taking a quick bow}

THECHEESE: Sup, trick?

THEDENZEL: Wow, I had no idea all those angels could fit in the studio. How'd you get that to work?

THECHEESE: I have a chorus of angels to set up my angelic orchestra. We call them Heaven's Roadies. Sacreligious? Perhaps. Amazing name for a ladies' biker gang? Absolutely.

THEDENZEL: Well then, how did you achieve this level of success?

THECHEESE: As you know, Denzel, my fan base is a glorious mass of gigantic love. Shoutout to my original fan, Dinoshaur, who made this all a reality. After that, fans just came out of the blue. And, soon enough, I was the most successful user around.

THEDENZEL: Would you say that fame has gone to your head?

{TheDenzel nudges TheCheese, who has pondered this question passionately for several days}

THECHEESE: Oh, hello. No.

THEDENZEL: Oh, well that's good. What've you been up to lately?

NACHOMAN: {to thecheese} pop pop pop pop pop pop

{nachoman leaves}