(even if you aren't vegan)
TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original TheStick
TheDenzel's Interview with TheStick
THEDENZEL: This is TheDenzel with TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today we'll be interviewing another "The" user, TheStick. How's it going, TheStick?
THESTICK: Great. It's good to not be vangoriously eaten by a gelentelous monster. No, really. Those things are deadly.
THEDENZEL: When have you been near a gelentelous monster?
THESTICK: I just looked at one at the nearby monster zoo, got attacked by one when I tried brainstorming ideas...
THEDENZEL: Did it hurt?
THESTICK: Actually, it just came close and showed it's teeth. It them found some bigger prey, and left me alone.
THEDENZEL: What was this bigger prey?
THESTICK: Like a million Homsar clones.
THEDENZEL: Okay then. Apparently you reside in an awfully twisted reality. Is this true?
THESTICK: Now where did you get that idea? I just went on a vacation to a twisted reality! {goes into a trance} The sky is on the ground. Up is right, left is north, money is trash.
THEDENZEL: Wah! Sound scary. Anyway, let's talk about your fanstuff, Other Character Email Pan Pan. You recently claimed that, correct?
THEDENZEL: How "kinda"?
THESTICK: I claimed it a couple of months ago. I can't seem to figure out what to do next.
THEDENZEL: Why not... dare I say it... write an email?
THESTICK: I mean what to put in that email! Now, next question.
THEDENZEL: Oh, okay. Let's move on to Free Hospital, USA. How's that going?
THESTICK: I've still haven't gotten around to making the store, but looking good, especially with someone volunteering to be a test subject- I mean, a patient. Homestar tiger and I split the game.
THEDENZEL: If you could see anything happen to it, what would it be?
THESTICK: It actually getting popular.
THEDENZEL: Any ideas on how you can make it more popular?
THEDENZEL: That's it? You're not even gonna think about it?
THESTICK: Well... I'm thinking... I just don't know what the general wiki public likes! I'll just try improving it, and hope it doesn't catch fire.
THEDENZEL: Well, it's a start. Anyway, what else do you like to do on this wiki?
THESTICK: I don't know, just browse Recent Changes, sign up and play Interactives, like Cheat Commandos: Online, Striking it Big, Cheatix Wright, Free Country, USA Caves, H*Box, you know.
THEDENZEL: Which one is your favorite?
THESTICK: Hard to tell... H*Box isn't that interactive, Cheat Commandos: Online is inactive, and so is the caves, and Striking it Big doesn't have enough money in it. Alright, next question.
THEDENZEL: Cool. Now, what kinda stuff do you do outside the wiki?
THESTICK: Usually along the lines of playing games of some sorts.
THEDENZEL: What kinda games?
THESTICK: Virdeo Games!
THESTICK: TheDenzel! TheDenzel! TheDenzel!</1-Up> {poke poke}
THEDENZEL: Ow! Don't poke me! What kinda Video Games do you like?
THESTICK: ...I haven't really tried that many.
THEDENZEL: Well, what have you tried?
THESTICK: I've lost track.
THEDENZEL: Okay. So what else do you do outside the wiki?
THESTICK: Paint, read, rant how I stink.
THEDENZEL: Paint? What kinda stuff do you paint?
THESTICK: Whatever I feel like! Along the lines of realistic though.
THEDENZEL: Cool. Well, we're almost outta time here. Is there anything you'd like to say before we go?
THESTICK: Wa, that felt fast! Yes. Eat your vegtables, aviod Homsar, monsters, and this crazy very twisted universe.
THEDENZEL: Excellent choice of words, TheStick. {shakes his hand} Glad to have had you on the show. {turns to audience} Well, that's all folks. Goodnight.