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TheDenzel's Interview Show/Original Homsar44withpie

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TheDenzel's Interview With Homsar44withpie

THEDENZEL: Hi, this is TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today's interview will be with Homsar44withpie! How's it going, Homsar44withpie?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: {Chewing on baby} Just fine, Danny TheDenzel.

THEDENZEL: Okay then, let's start with your award... {looks at it} Wow. It seems to be getting quite a lot of attention jsut because of the picture. Coach Z's butt. Disturbing. Where did you get that idea anyway?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: What's not to love about it? It's look like gelatin. You can poke it if you win it!

THEDENZEL: Jibleys! EW! Stop putting that picture in my head. I don't think anyone who won that award would actually go as far as to... poke it. Jibleys again! But seriously, why Coach Z's butt?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: Well, There's awards such as the eggs award, the golden capsule, which are all just things The Bothers Chips made, but they call it an award, by recoloring the picture. Plus, it's such a shiny butt! Who can resist? WHO I ASK YOU!!!! {Jumps on TheDenzel} No, seriouly, who can resist to NOT poking it?

THEDENZEL: Um, I can think of at least a dozen people who can resist poking that... behind. Okay then, if you could see anything happen to your award, what would it be?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: Three words: Watching Joshua get third place. It getting more views, More nominations, Umm... Better awarding system? I think teh image is getting more views than teh award. Yes.

THEDENZEL: How is that three words? That's... {counts words} 15 words! Wait... why do you want to see Joshua get third place?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: I've seen plently of other things that deserve more awards and views than his. Plus, he's not himself any more, like sysop powah took over him. Even though Stinkoman 20X6: Reloaded is grood, I don't think it's that good to win that many awards. In closing, Joshua and all his fanstuff is Spoiled.

THEDENZEL: Um. I've had my own conflicts with Joshua, sooooo. No comment. Okay, moving on! Your friends with MikeControl in real life. How long have you two known each other?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: Since fourth grade to me, since third grade to him. This is kinda embarassing, but I met him at a daycare. AT there, all teh time we rioted!RIOT! DOWN WITH MISS KELLY! WE WILL BURN COURTYARD TO DA GROUND! {calms down} Basically, we were teh riot team. Threw stuffs, Burned stuffs, ate stuffs, killed stuffs, umm... and broke stuffs. And now we are here today as simple people on (the) wiki.

THEDENZEL: Who is this "Miss Kelly?"

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: You know, "The Man".

THEDENZEL: Wait. MISS Kelly is "The MAN"?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: "The man" means there the boss.

THEDENZEL: Right! I gotta get MikeControl in here to get more info on this "Miss Kelly". But that's another interview. Anyway, moving on. You've recently started up a new sprite comic known as "Tenderbread find!". What can we expect to see in later episodes?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: Well, I justy got a trial version of photoshop, and my dad's likes it, so he might get THE FULL VERSION!!! Which means better quality. And about the comic, I don't want to give away mush, but, I'm kinda gonna go with a thing that they go into the Astromund building, and get _____. Not gonna give away that mush!

THEDENZEL: Aww! C'mon! Give us a hint!

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: There will be some disaster! Friendship! Those are the choices, and you probably know which one.

THEDENZEL: Um... Disaster? How so?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: I'm giving too much away. But, The Astromunds were trying to protect a vidal peace a tenderbread. Stinkoman raids to get it, due to the contest. And the Astromunds only way of protecting it, is to blow the building up. You know too much now. YOU SHALL BR TERMINATED!!! {Jumps on TheDenzel}

THEDENZEL: On your "Things I Like" page, it seems as if you hate quote: "Bloody old people." Is this true?

HOMSARDOllASIGN$WITHPIE: Well, What doesn't pwnz bloody old people?

THEDENZEL: Where did you get "bloody old people" from?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: I made it up. Where could anyone get "Bloddy Old people"?

THEDENZEL: Um. That's what I was asking you... Anyway, before we go, I have to ask you, Where'd you get your name from? Homsar44withpie? There's gotta be some sort of story behind that, right?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE: Well, I'll tell ya. Homsar is, of course, my favorite character, so I has to put him on my name. Then, I felt like putting two random numbers. 44. But what kinda name is Homsar44? Yeah, a dumb one. So I hated pie, so might as well put withpie. But the true orgins of "withpie" is there's two characters. One is named Homsar44 and the other is Pie. So it's Homsar44withpie. And for undercover missions I have Homsar22withoutcake. Wow, I made a long paragraph of wonder!!

THEDENZEL: That you did! We're almost outta time, anything you'd like to say before we go?

HOMSAR44WIHTPIE: I never doubted that you weren't a Grody old spronge sir, mam.

THEDENZEL: Well, apparently you're doubting that I am a guy! {punches Homsar44withpie} Anyway, thanks for stoppin by, Homsar44with pie. You've been a really fun interview. {Shakes his hand} Sorry for the punch. {to audience} And thank you for watching TheDenzel's Interview Show. Bye for now!

{Homsar44withpie runs out screaming}
