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Talk:Half-assed Reality Show: WUW Edition!

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this isnt funny -- Badstar

o cum on

dis iz juzt st00pid!!!!!1!11

we all no dat im da rell goff

- dara pillsberry (creater of sweat sacrifice)

no i da irl goff!! ur a poser lol -pmelondemon43y 22:52, 19 December 2009 (UTC)

My Immortal-style parodies stopped being funny after the umpteenth time. If you want to make a parody interactive, at least give it some sort of originality instead of something so stupid that nobody could possibly take it seriously. All the humor in this so far is some variation of "teen girls are so stupid!" and repeating itself constantly. Find a new formula. For example, you could parody the usual shoddy writing style and utter futility of interactives on this wiki. Monochrome 23:29, 19 December 2009 (UTC)

... What's My Immortal? -pmelondemon43y 23:50, 19 December 2009 (UTC)
A Harry Potter fanfic that contained prep-bashing, "goffik" Mary Sues, and everyone going insanely OOC. It became infamous for its awful quality and spawned countless parodies, and now the concept is rather cliche. Really, the writing style here is so similar to it, that I assumed you had read it already. Simply put; the imitator can never be as good (or, in this case, hilariously awful) as the original. Monochrome 23:59, 19 December 2009 (UTC)
Basically, what he's saying is you (MelonDemon43) blow donkey dongs (37 [in a row]). - SKUB ? 00:20, 20 December 2009 (UTC)
I was attempting to give a critical analysis of how the concept of this fanstuff is rather hollow and the execution is flat, citing the mistakes and giving suggestions on how to improve; but I suppose it could be interpreted that way. Monochrome 00:45, 20 December 2009 (UTC)

Maybe I like that donkey dick, Skullbuggy. -pmelondemon43y 00:19, 21 December 2009 (UTC)

Seems you're not going to stop working on this any time soon. You may think your work is funny, but nobody else finds it as entertaining. It's not funny. Go back to the drawing board and think of something more original. End of discussion. Monochrome 00:39, 21 December 2009 (UTC)