(even if you aren't vegan)
Super Smash Bros. Revolution/Items
From Wiki User Wiki
Uh...You guys, you know you can request for a new item. Anyone. At all. At any time before the game is finished. But you better supply the sprites. I can't do EVERYTHING around here!
Returning Items
- Star Rod
- Cloaking Device
- Home-Run Bat
- Sandbag
- Hammer
- Beam Sword
- Fan
- Green Koopa Shell
- Red Koopa Shell
- Parasol
- Metal Box
- Lip's Stick
- Ray Gun
- Motion Sensor Bomb
- Bunny Hood
- Starman
- Screw Attack
- Bomb-omb
- Maxim Tomato
- Heart Container
- Party Ball
- Capsules
- Barrels
- Crates
- Pokeballs
- Poison Mushroom
- Super Mushroom
- Super Scope
- Smash Ball
- Assist Trophy
- Blast Box
- Lightning
- Hothead
- Cracker Launcher
- SuperSpicy Curry
- Smart Bomb
- Spring
- Dragoon
- Unira
- Pitfall
- Trophy Stand(TROS only)
Assist Trophy Characters
- Gnovers
- Army Men
- ExciteBike
- Kaharri
- Donald
- Goofy
- Hades
- Alphamon
- Bling
- Emerl and Gemerl
- Shadow Kirby
- Spikeman
- Chuck Norris
- NES Link
- Metal Sonic
- Chibi Vindicator
- Scrooge McDuck
- Buu
- Sorcerer Mickey
Pokemon Characters
- Magnemite
- Typhlosion
- Togepi
- Dratini
- Groudon
- Kyogre
- Darkrai
- Diglett
- Maril
- Snorlax
- Smeargle
- Gligar
- Unown
- Ditto
- Onix
- Gastly
New Items
- Portal Gun-Shoots a portal that players can run into.
- Banhammer-Completely Removes a Player from the fight, by taking away all their lives and ejecting them offield. Puts Other Players in a negative zone and their health up to 300%. May backfire, and put your health up, or ban YOU.
- Master Sword-Think crossing a hammer with a beam sword.
- Fierce Diety Link Mask-A villainous mask. When you put it on, you recieve his sword, and get extra powers. You can also control yourself, unlike a hammer.
- Heartless Bodyguard-4 different types of small Heartless, when you pick it up, if portects you for one hit. They also all have different effects. Blue: Ice, Red: Fire, Yellow: Thunder, Green: Cure You.
- Tendabread-When you pick up this item, you get the ability to hover around the field. It also provides extra stregnth.
- Fox Grenade-When thrown, creates a thick haze that slows down players
- Megaton Hammer-Hoo are you going to hate me for this one.
- Emo Squad Card Pack-1 out of 9 Chibi People can come out of a small pack of cards and use their attack.
-I don't quite know yet...
- Disco Ball-Distracts fighters who walk into it by forcing them to perform all of their taunts nonstop.
- Machine Gun-Slows you down, but powers you up as you get 20 bullets of revenge and DEATH
- Spy Knife- The front does some damage, but the back, Oh boy...You'll regret ever waking up to play today.
- Blutsauger- Rapid Fire Needle Gun that saps damage from enemies and heals you.
- Sandvich- A large Sandwich that takes 4 seconds to consume, but doing so will completely heal you.
- Flamethrower-Large fire-blasting device, ignites victims in flames for 4-5 seconds.
- Vampire Sword: Hurts the enemy, damages you too. Simple.
- Whip: Like a sword, but it has longer range. A bit weaker.