(even if you aren't vegan)
Slas Emails/the bet
Subject: Where my moneyDear slas,
You still owe me 20 and some pepper jack cheese from our super bowl bet.
How do you plan to go about paying your debt?
Yours Eyelessly,
Sombaf (p.s. Why do i suck?)
SLAS: Ok, first off, JAKE owes you.
{Zooms out to show Jake leaning into the camera's view}
JAKE: No, I just watched the commercials all day and said nothing, liar.
SLAS: {angry} ALRIGHT, FINE. Ok, Sombrerobarf, I guess I'll... {says while thinking} make people pay... for me... to check their emails. {Stops sounding like he's thinking hard} 5 BUCKS PUNK! THAT is why you suck! But... then I'd owe you $25. Damn, I guess I need to call Chwoko Puffs and 797 to pay me. Yep, slowly working my way up. Maybe I'll get a job too. I guess I have no choice.
{Cut to Slas bagging at a grocery store called "Greens for Green". He has a long line. A woman is at the front.}
SLAS: {deadpan} Paper or plastic, mam?
{Cut back to the desk. A "Chuck Chuck" is heard, followed by the Paper coming down.}
> Click here to e-mail Slas |
slasisawesomerthanyou@WUW.com |
{After three seconds, Jake is shown sleeping while "Jeporady" is on.}"
HOST: Name the continent that is all ice.
JAKE: {suddenly popping up} CUTE DARTH VADER KID!
{Cut back to the desk.}