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SSXMails/BHZ/An EMAIL? For Real?

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SSX: Man, I have a mail? Hmmmm. Must be on one of those new papers. The transparent papers that you can't feel.

Ok, here we go.

Quote Dear Bender, Where's The Cheat and, uh, Carmen San Diego?

Sincerely, Strong Bad

Good question, Strong BaWHA! Strong Bad? I got an email from the legendary Strong Bad?

Cool. Anyways, I think I has the solution to your question.

Cut to a cheap, flashy, unnecicary show.

The Cheat and Carmen San Diego: GONE Without a Trace!

Generic person #344354: Let's start looking for some traces!

Generic person #1: THERE ARE NO TRACES! Guys, don't listen to him. I'M the original! I AM GP NUMBER OOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEE!!!!!!11one!1 GP 344354: Ok, chill. Let's jsut find those guys.

Cut back to SSX.

Don't worry, Scroll Buttons. The Squeaky Guy and the guy who's not a guy will be safe, I think. If not, try to find another huge egg or something.

Man, where is everybody? It's like I'm living in a town where everyone is dead, exept me. And I'm struggling to stay alive. Or something. I'ma go see where everyone went.

SSX trips on a mysterious suitcase.

Ow, those things are bad for you!

The suitcase opens up, revealing the "Super-Box 200".



What, you're still here? You were supposed to leave one Later ago! You can't see the SuperBox yet!!

The camera zooms in on the SuperBox.

WHAT are you doing? Get outta here!

The SuperBox is brodcasted on live TV.

Oh, very funny. Now, get outta here, man!

Phew. They're finally gone.

SSX pulls the cover off the SuperBox, and turns around.

Aww, CRAP!

The paper comes down. SSX stretches it over the SuperBox.