(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/90
Something needs to be done.
NOXIGAR: You could always do more of Comp. I like Comp.
{Open to the two}
HENRY: So to conclude, no, Sylvester McCoy is not part cat.
QUINT: And neither am I.
HENRY: You're not?
QUINT: We went over this. I told you. Don't you remember?
HENRY: No, not at all.
QUINT: For fuck's sake, Henry, why don't you remember this conversation? This must be like the third time now.
HENRY: I think you're paranoid, Quint. Think about all the things that exist in this universe. You think we've even come close to talking about them all? Don't be-
QUINT: Absurd?
HENRY: How did you know what I was going to say?
QUINT: Because you've said it all before, Henry. You say we can't discuss all these things, Henry, but tell me, do you even remember how long we've even been travelling? Because I fucking can't! I don't even think I know anything else but see and sky and you, Henry, so tell me, HOW LONG HAVE WE BEEN TRAVELLING?
HENRY: I don't know, let's ask Redford.
QUINT: Maybe we should.
HENRY: nah
{Short pause.}
NOXIGAR: I think I actually like this episode, in spite of Redford not being intro'd like he should be.