(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/82
From Wiki User Wiki
he's got the whole world in his feet????
NOXIGAR: What if he doesn't have arms to have the whole world in his hands?
{Open to the two}
QUINT: Dude, bro. Dude. This dude? He's a dude. This dude?
HENRY: Is he a dude?
QUINT: No, he's a not a dude, he's a bro. You get me bro?
HENRY: No, bro.
NOXIGAR: No, dude. He's not a bro or a dude. He's a dudebro.
{Short pause}
NOXIGAR: That wasn't half as cheeky or witty as I thought that would be.
QUINT: No to the bro? Bro saying no to the bro, not sure whether he's a dude or he's a bro? He's a bro, bro. A total bro.
HENRY: I get you, bro. He's a bro, dude.
{Short pause}
QUINT: You're a fucking cunt, Henry.
NOXIGAR: Yet another weird disconnect that makes me wonder what the bloody hell they were actually saying. Are they even in code?