(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/81
i'm the motherflippin
NAMINE: Decided to come back to this, I see?
NOXIGAR: Yeah, he actually updated it and I didn't actually swear it off.
NAMINE: I'm not sure Ben has the chops; let's rephrase.
NAMINE: So, did you grow to like this? Or...?
NOXIGAR: Not particularly. The episodes are all too short for me to really consider this well-off.
NAMINE: Tough.
NOXIGAR: I do suppose Ben's going to have an eventual giggle. "Aw yeah, Namine agrees with me Gary; get with the program, and stop being mofuckin' wary"
NAMINE: I'm not sure Ben would start a rap career.
NOXIGAR: That WUW Championship Belt of his convinces me otherwise.
{Open to the two}
QUINT: I was once a child
HENRY: I was once two children
QUINT: My reddit comment has three children
NOXIGAR: My inability to recognize where the children are on Reddit makes me question if there's four children.
HENRY: screw reddit i'm kanye
NAMINE: screw kanye i'm reddit
NOXIGAR: How can you be a whole website?
NOXIGAR: I didn't think you'd actually go that far.
NAMINE: I'm also Tumblr. And Desty.
QUINT: I'm Can't Ye. I can't ye. I never have been able too. BUT I BELIEVE.
HENRY: I want to believe
NAMINE: You have to do what?
NOXIGAR: I gotta redeem!
NOXIGAR: I gotta believe!
NAMINE: You gotta do what?
NOXIGAR: I gotta receive!
NAMINE: You better do what?
NOXIGAR: I gotta relieve!
NAMINE: But most of all, what?
QUINT: The truth is out there.
{Camera zooms out}
THE TRUTH: I'm hiding
NOXIGAR: {lightly chuckles} That was actually pretty good.