(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/77
1 o clock 2 o clock 4 o clock BUTT
NOXIGAR: It must always be Butt O'Clock in the universe of The World's Greatest.
{Open to the two}
THE TWO: Hello, I'm the two!
{Cut to the two, the two being Quint and Henry}
HENRY: Burnt Oak, South Kensington, Canada Water, Mornington Crescent. BOOM!
QUINT: how are you so good at this game
HENRY: Some say I have a gift. Others say I obsessively spend every waking moment detailing tube stations. Both are wrong.
NOXIGAR: So he's not actually good at this game?
QUINT: You're probably right.
HENRY: Damn right, I'm right.
{Shooooort Paaauuuuse}
NOXIGAR: Why did you drag out that short pause? That makes the pause not short, Strong Intelligent.
HENRY: I'm bored of Mornington Crescent now.
QUINT: Me too. Maybe we should play something else?
NOXIGAR: I'd recommend League of Legends, but I imagine that Quint would suck at it.
HENRY: Russian Roulette!!
QUINT: in home country we call it yankee killer
{Henry pulls out a gun and murders Quint}
QUINT: That hurt
HENRY: Sorry, I was just annoyed about your suggestion not being Mornington Crescent.
NOXIGAR: Wait is the game called Mornington Crescent?
QUINT: You win this time, helicopter fuck
{Short pause, then Noxigar sighs in exhaustion.}
NOXIGAR: Just a couple more of these lousy episodes, and then I'm free to riff something else.