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RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/4
From Wiki User Wiki
Fun times for Quint and Henry
{Open to Quint and Henry}
QUINT: Don't you love accapella music?
NOXIGAR: a capella
HENRY: Even more than I love stabbing myself in the eyes with a rusty spoon!
QUINT: Wow, you must really like it.
HENRY: Damn straight.
{Short Pause}
NOXIGAR: I do love me some short pauses.
QUINT: You sound like you have a sore throat.
HENRY: I do.
QUINT: Does that mean...?
HENRY: Yes. My accapella days are over.
QUINT: Oh god. Oh god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
{Quint begins to cry. End}
NOXIGAR: Pretty tragic.