(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/29
From Wiki User Wiki
NOXIGAR: Did I do something wrong again? Damn it, Strong Intelligent.
{Open to the two. Quint is holding an iPhone}
NOXIGAR: Because Quint is definitely able to get one from BestBuy in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
QUINT: I just downloaded 25,000 great baby names.
QUINT: Because you could. Anyway, I checked it out, "Quint" isn't on here.
HENRY: The plot thickens.
NOXIGAR: The plot never thickens. That's what makes me sad.
What names are?
QUINT: Quin, Quinn, Quinlan, Quirin and...no. You are kidding. You have got to be fucking kidding.
NOXIGAR: There really aren't many names that start with "Q," so I don't see the problem in getting bothered about even one of those names.
HENRY: What?
QUINT: Quigley.
NOXIGAR: Okay, I'm naming an assassin in Wikihood "Quigley" just because of this.
Seriously. What kind of fucking sadistic sausage names their child Quigley? Honestly.
NOXIGAR: I don't see the joke, although it is in my firm belief there really isn't one here. It's also in my firm belief that this episode is just badly-written Author Tract.
HENRY: He raises a good point.
QUINT: Which makes me a better raiser than anyone who names their child Quigley.
NOXIGAR: But you can't make that generalization about any parent(s) who name their child Quigley.