(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/25
From Wiki User Wiki
Oh ho ho, people. Prepare to be thrown a bone. You heard me right, Dorothy.
NOXIGAR: Wait so is it people or Dorothy that's being thrown the bone?
{Open to the two. After a very long time, Quint throws up the ocean}
NOXIGAR: How does one even consume a whole ocean without dying?
QUINT: Oh, so that's where that was.
NOXIGAR: What kind of response is this?
QUINT: I'm so proud!
NOXIGAR: Of what? You didn't accomplish anything substantial in any way!
NOXIGAR: I'm pretty sure having an episode with less than ten lines is a capital offense in the WUW Guidelines. I shall go read and reread them until I'm proven wrong by loophole.
{Noxigar leaves to go read the WUW Guidelines.}