(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/23
From Wiki User Wiki
NOXIGAR: I assume all the episodes are half-farted, and so I really don't know why you'd make this Synopsis unique with such a stunning analysis.
{Open to the two}
QUINT: You know Sir Alex Ferguson's middle name is Chapman?
HENRY: That's like if my middle name were Chapman.
QUINT: Probably.
NOXIGAR: I wouldn't mind these opening tangents if they weren't so boring and out-of-place half the time.
QUINT: This is an outrage of the highest order. I shall have my men see to this.
NOXIGAR: What men?
HENRY: And then I can call you Whistles.
NOXIGAR: Quint's going through a name change? He's not staying permanently dead? This is an outrage of the highest order. I shall have my men see to this!
QUINT: Yes you can, son. Yes you can.
NOXIGAR: I shall have my men see to this!