(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/TheWorld'sGreatest/The World's Greatest/2
From Wiki User Wiki
More hijinks from these rag-tag abominations!
NOXIGAR: I'm pretty sure they're not abominations by any genetic standard. That is, unless Henry is in-bred.
{Open to Quint and Henry}
HENRY: Quint...do you ever think about...us?
NOXIGAR: This is the kind of question I'd have expected an episode before, when the conflict should start to form.
QUINT: Shut up before I pop a cap in yo ass.
NOXIGAR: I'm not even sure koalas can successfully emulate that form of dialect without struggling at "yo ass."
HENRY: Sorry Jerry.
NOXIGAR: {imitating Henry} Sorry Jerry. I not only forgot to use a comma, but I also called you Jerry instead of Quint.
QUINT: You should be.
{Quint coughs and scratches his ear}
QUINT: So, what do you think of the new breed of dog they discovered?
HENRY: It's great! Well, I'm guessing it would be. I haven't seen it, what with this never ending flight to Maine we've been taking.
QUINT: Yeah. Life is pretty...
{Several hours silence}
QUINT: ...swell.