(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/SSXMails/BHZ/Hollied Days
Cut to the Superbox. SSX runs in, and puts a Decemberween Tree up.
Ok, guys. I'm gonna be making a few changes. First...
a>run_green_background.exe a>run_red_text.exe a>run_countdown.exe
The paper comes down, reading this:
Quote Countdown 'till some Day: 19 days
Ok, here's how it's gonna go. Every email, I'll add 5 ornaments to this tree.
LIGHTNING GUY: That's gonna be a pretty sad tree.
The paper'll tell you guys how many days are left until Decemberween. Ok, email-time!
a>ssxmail.exe "Rudolph the red nosed email, liked to play with scroll buttons..."
MR. CLOUD: {singing} Well, that's what he told his parents, but there really was masturbation.
a>Yo yo yo, Super Bender X! I bet you $5 that you can't throw a toaster into the freeway and have it not land on a car. From, Uncle Fisty.
Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!
As SSX walks out, he puts 5 ornaments on the tree, and grabs a toaster. Outside, the street is covered with snow.
Ok, so how hard can it be to have a toaster tossed in to a stree-FREEWAY
LIGHTNING GUY: This guy takes his pavement seriously.
and have it not land on any cars?
SSX chucks a toaster into the street. Out of nowhere, a car drives up, and slams into the car.
MR. CLOUD: The car slammed into itself? I'm having trouble imagining this.
the toster breaks the window,
LIGHTNING GUY: But what happened to the toaster?
revealing Kevin Grumbles. Grumbles drives away, with the free toaster.
I'LL GET YOU KEVEN *grumble*!!
Ok, so you win. But you're not getting any sort of prize!
MR. CLOUD: That's great, because he asked for five dollars!
LIGHTNING GUY: Great job, by the way, supporting your uncle's gambling addiction.
The paper comes down.
Countdown to Some Day: 19 Days