(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Remolays crap/Sombaf/2
Sombaf Addresses the issue of bullying
Characters in order of appearance: Sombaf, Strong Mad, Homsar, Strong Sad
Locations: Sombafs computer, The Field, Strong Sads room
SOMBAF: I am surprised by the utter lack of "How do you walk without feet" emails.
REMOLAY: Nobody cares.
Dear Sombaf,
Ever seen that show called Bully Beatdown?
You should get on it.
REMADIN: Watching it?
REMOLAY: Getting the crap beat out of himFrom,
SOMBAF: {Typing} The answer to this is no, I haven't seen it. Is it on MTV?
REMADIN: You know damn well it's on MTV
I never watch MTV, I don't like it since it stopped being Music Television. Now about that other part, do you mean I'm the one getting bullied?
{cut to Sombaf on his back being pummeled by Strong Mad}
SOMBAF: {voiceover} Because that's happened to me many a time since I moved in around here.
{cut back to Sombafs computer}
SOMBAF: {typing} Or are you talking about me being the bully for my actions last email...
REMADIN: So you knew you were being a jerk the whole time?
REMOLAY: I hate to say it, but I might be starting to like him
Yeah, I suppose it was pretty mean what I did to dems. I should go say I'm sorry.
REMOLAY: And I take that back.
{cut to field, Sombaf walking}
REMADIN: ...How?
SOMBAF: First to Homsar's house... Wait a minute where does he live?
{Sombaf crashes into Homsar}
HOMSAR: Haldo thar Bartman, Watch the round you.
SOMBAF: Sorry about that... I came to say sorry for the whole "Punching Clown Bag" thing last email.
HOMSAR: No Hate for Gabie.
REMADIN: Ladies and gentlemen, our writer does not know how to write for homsar.
SOMBAF: I have to admit in this case, I'm SOMBAFFLED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
{homsar scampers away at the horrible pun, cut to the brothers strong house}
SOMBAF: {Voiceover} As my apology to Strong Sad I decided to actually listen to one of his stories.
STRONG SAD:... The last man's fate was grim at best, he was brought down by his shrinking vest!
REMOLAY: I've brought people down with grimmer things than that.
REMADIN: Who in their wrong mind would wear that?
SOMBAF: Woah! That actually wasn't boring...
REMADIN: Yes is was.
I'm surprised. Have you ever thought about publishing them?
STRONG SAD: Why bother? no one around here would buy them.
REMADIN: Thinking to small
SOMBAF: I have to admit, I would probably buy it.
{cut to Sombafs computer}
SOMBAF: Well there you go FalconPaunch.
REMOLAY: I'll falcon punch you if you ever say that again.
I feel great after that. I should help Strong Sad publish that stuff, lot's of people would likely buy it.
REMADIN: You suck Sombaf!