(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Green Grass and High Tides Forever!/Running Gags
From Wiki User Wiki
Episode Opening
- 0. If you translate this message, I will send Iori to your house and he will steal your cheese.
- 1. Assaulting your peripheral vision, it's
LIGHTNING GUY: "We'd post the rest of the episode openings, but that would require work and stuff."
Character Running Gags
- Sometimes, Patrick randomly sings the first verse of the chorus of Green Grass and High Tides by The Outlaws (In fact, I think that's how the series got it's name).
- The Dalek sometimes Exterminates people, turning them into a pile of ash.
- Gemerl will sometimes switch modes, pulling out his weaponry and destroying anything he sees as a threat of him getting the Chaos Emeralds.
- Iori sometimes falls down from the top of the screen and makes a comment as to how it happened.
Episode Running Gags
- {FOURTH WALL BREAKAGE!!!} - This joke was originally used in Wikihood by Znex,
LIGHTNING GUY: Wow, even a joke as horrible as that one wasn't original.
and has been used in episodes 1, 2, and 3 thus far. Variations were also used in episode 2.