(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Bling Emails/Recipes
Cooking? Oh Dan...g. OH DANG!
LIGHTNING GUY: I thought you were going to say "Oh Danish!"
BLING: Email...
1-UP: EMAIL...
subject: pieDear Bling,
Do you like pie?
What is your favorite flavor of pie?
- Tommyspud
BLING: Hmm... Pie... {cell phone rings, Bling answers it} Hello? Yes? Uh huh, that's me. Okay. Yes. Yes. I understand. Alright. Bye. {hangs up} Guys, I have some news.
LIGHTNING GUY: It's finally over. Finally!
GRUNDY: Uh oh. W-what is it?
BLING: I'm kicking you two out of the show.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh. I guess that'll work, too.
BLING: I can and I will. The show's only being broadcast in Wiki City now, so, I don't need you two.
GRUNDY: Are-are you saying you only kept us here so you could follow 1.6?
LIGHTNING GUY: Badly, I must add.
BLING: Yep. Pretty much.
1-UP: You can't fire us! We quit! {storms out}
GRUNDY: HMPH. {follows 1-up}
LIGHTNING GUY: A dramatic departure will make you no less unemployed. More pathetic? Maybe.
{1-up and Grundy can be seen via the window walking away}
BLING: And now for this. {presses a red button beside the Gongy}
{a mushroom cloud can be seen via the window}
LIGHTNING GUY: This kid is going to grow up to be a serial killer or something.
BLING: Hehehe. {typing} My flavorite flavor of pie? Well, it's hard to put into words, so I'll show you!
{cut to a kitchen. Bling is standing behind a counter wearing a chef's hat}
BLING: It's easier to cook if I do this. {transforms into teenage form} Good. Now then, {Bling gets out what he says} First you take a pie crust, three apples, a peach, two bananas, a mango, a cup of subspace, and a cup of milk. {gets out a large bowl} First, you pour the subspace into a large bowl, followed by the milk. Now, mix them together. {does so. everything he says he will do} Then, cut up the apples, the peach, the bananas, and the mango. now, the subspace and the milk will need to be put in a blender, and then set on puree. blend them until it's a lavender-colored creme. Now, pour the creme back into the large bowl, and mix them with the fruits we cut up. Now, pour the mixture into the pie crust. put a pie crust on top of it, and bake it with hellfire for one minute. {blasts the pie with hellfire via his hand}
LIGHTNING GUY: Congratulations. You can read a cookbook.
{cut to a while. There are now numerous pies on the counter. Bling is cutting them up into slices and putting them on the plates}
BLING:{takes a piece} If anybody in the audience wants a piece, go ahead and take one!
LIGHTNING GUY: There would never be an audience for a show like this.
{numerous people runs onscreen, take pieces of the pie, and run off}
LIGHTNING GUY: That wasn't an audience. That was a bunch of homeless people who smelled pie.
BLING:{is eating the pie} I learn-Mmph-learned this from-Mmph-Im a bell. He used to-Mmph-feed it to me when I-Mmph-was a little child. Mmph.
LIGHTNING GUY: You stopped eating it, though, when you realized it was causing your explosive diarrhea.
{pan out and rotate camera angle spanning over an audience. the word "bling" appears onscreen. it is golden, Bauhaus 93 font, and is rotated 45 degrees.
LIGHTNING GUY: Specifics are important.
an announcer can be heard saying ""bling" will be right back." the screen fades to black. cut via static back to the computer}
BLING:{typing} It's good pie. You should try it.
LIGHTNING GUY: The explosive diarrhea is awful, though.
{the paper comes down}
Fun Facts
Real-World References
- The "bling" stuff is a reference to various daytime television shows generally aimed towards women.
Inside References
- the Bauhaus 93 font and the cut-via-static are common on Homestarrunner.com.
Easter Eggs
- Click on "try it" at the end to have this note pop up;
Pie Recipe: Ingredients: 1 cup milk 1 cup subspace 1 peach 1 mango 2 pie crusts 2 bananas 3 apples Procedure: 1. Cut up fruit 2. Blend milk & subspace 3. Mix with fruit 4. Pour into pie crust 5. Put second pie crust on first 6. Bake 1 min with hellfire