(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/Aruseus Emails/worst thing
Aruseus relives a past fear.
SKUB: "oh no my pants fell down and everybody can see the tip!!! they'll know what color it is forever"
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, The Polka-man, Marzipan, Tucksworth
Places: Computer Room, Aruseus' Room, Outside Tom's house, Hospital
SKUB: Oh boy the hospital
Computer: Lappy 486
Date: January 19th, 2007
ARUSEUS: {while typing "run_arumail.exe"}: Doo doo doo doo, the e-mail is checked.
SKUB: Aaaaand end email? Please?
subject: worst!Dear Whats-Your-Face,
NACHOMAN: why would you email someone without knowing their name how rude!What was the worest thing that
happened to you? Please tell the
whole story!
Hope it got all better
{As he reads, Aruseus says "Whats-your-face" as "Aruseus", pronounces "worest" as "wore-est", and says "X66x66" as "two-exty sixty-six"}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Whoa! A future e-mail from the year 2X66? Nah. Must be the guy's name. {clears screen}
SKUB: hehoheh!!!! isn't this funyn as fiuck
ARUSEUS: {typing} Well, X66 guy, there i something that I just can't forget...it gives me the jibblies! Jibblie jibbile...{runs out screaming}
SKUB: Aaaaaaaaaaaand end email! Really!
{Tom comes in from the right side of the screen and gets on the computer.}
TOM: {typing} Sorry, man. Aruseus doesn't like to talk about things like this. I'll tell you though.
NACHOMAN: you're a good friend
{The screen fades to black, then fades back in to see Aruseus checking his e-mail.}
ARUSEUS: {while typing "run_arumail.exe"}: Flashback e-mail.
SKUB: Disinterested commentator.
subject: surprise!Dearest Aruseus,
-Anonymous Contributor
I have a surprise for you.
If you want to see it, come
upstairs in your room.
ARUSEUS: I see Strong Bad met you once, but I'll see your little surprise, Anony.
SKUB: "Strong Bad my best friend who I know! Because!"
{Aruseus walks upstairs to his room, when he gets there, his jaw drops to see...}
POLKA-MAN: Yello there! I'd love to dance for you!
SKUB: This is just goobers!!!!
{Aruseus jumps out a window labeled, "Escape Window".
A bang and a crack is heard. Cut to the outside of Tom's house, Aruseus lying there, hurt from the fall}
ARUSEUS: {weakly} Ow...my back...
{The screen fades to black, Cut to a hospital, shown through Aruseus' eyes, Marzipan and Tom are standing there}
ARUSEUS: {weakly} Uhhgh...what happened?
SKUB: "You made a joke. You might never walk again"
MARZIPAN: You jumped out of a window and broke your back during the fall.
ARUSEUS: What about The Polka-Man?
MARZIPAN: He's gone back to 1936. You may never see him again in this timezone.
NACHOMAN: "speaking of the hospital, i just had my personality removed"
ARUSEUS: {gets up} Awesome! {slightly cracks back} Ow. {lays back down}
TOM: Next time, try building a slide outside your escape window, or build an escape window on the first floor.
SKUB: Why didn't you think of that ya goofus? for your health
ARUSEUS: Ugh...Alright.
NACHOMAN: it's an email and a life lesson!
TOM: You will have to stay here for another week, {checks watch} Oh, visiting hours are over. Rest well!
ARUSEUS: Wow...that Tom is such a great guy.
{Cut back to Tom at Lappy}
TOM: {typing} So that's the story. Here we are a week later and Aruseus is feeling better. There is a slide now outside the escape window, so he doesn't break his back. I better go check on him. {Gets up and leaves, Cut to Aruseus' room}
SKUB: I don't think Tom's supposed to be a robot but he sure as hell sounds like one!
ARUSEUS: {shivering} Make him go away, Lyle, make The evil Polka go away...
TOM: Aruseus, are you okay?
ARUSEUS: {scared} AHH! {calmed} Oh, it's just you, Tom.
TOM: Yeah. It's me again. You better get down there and finish checking that e-mail!
ARUSEUS: Yes, sir! {Runs out}
TOM: {Hops on bed} Now time to watch some Caleb Rentpayer!
SKUB: "From Homestar!"
TUCKSWORTH: Caleb Rentpayer! Why are you hitting my fine china!?
SKUB: That sounds way too sexual to be a coincidence.
{Cut back to Lappy}
ARUSEUS: {typing} So there you have it X-man. I told you the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
SKUB: And me.
NACHOMAN: ryan's characters are so bland he can't even tell them apart. I'm pretty sure the other guy was telling the story!
{The Paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
- Click on Aruseus to see an extra scene.
{Cut back to Aruseus' room, Tom is still watching TV}'
TUCKSWORTH: Homestar Runnner, did you shoot Caleb?
TOM: Holy crap! I never knew that.
NACHOMAN: there are only so many times i can say "HAAHA HOW FUNNY" in an exaggerated manner before it gets old but god damn this is just begging for it
Fun Facts
- The email song is a take on "The System is Down".
- Aruseus mentioning Strong Bad's connection with Anonymous Contributor is a reference to SBemail "rock opera".
SKUB: Don't you think calling it a reference is a little bit too earnest?