(even if you aren't vegan)
From Wiki User Wiki
There are many points on this wiki, but now it's Sam the Man's turn with Man-Points.
If you sign up, use this template:
Man-Points |
I have {Insert Points Here} Man-Points. |
To use this write this:
<br clear=all> <table align="center" id="navbox" style="margin: 0 2em 0 2em; padding: 0.2em"> <th align="center" style="background:#ccccff" width="100%">[[Man-Points]]</th> <tr><td valign="top" style="font-size: smaller;"> I have '''100''' [[Man-Points]]. </td></tr></table>
November 3rd, 2007 - Man-Points Contest Released! Sign Up Now!
Real Sign Ups
The Rules and How To Earn and Lose Points
The Rules
The rules so you know what your doing.
- You must start with 100 points, no cheating by starting out with more then 100 points.
- No stealing Points from other people.
- No cheating.
And Have some Fun! Just not in a bad way.
How To Earn Points
There are many ways to earn ways to earn points.
- Win an award - 300 points
- Create an Email Show - 200 points
- Create a Game - 200 points
- Create a Fan Fiction - 200 points
- Nominate something in The MVF Award - 300 points
- Send an Email to samtheman.egg - 300 points
- Win an award in The MVF Award - 500 points
- Have an Email checked by Sam The Man in samtheman.egg - 500 points
- Create a special adventure or Homestar Runner based adventure in A Day In The Life - 200 points
- Be on TheDenzel's Interview Show - 300 points
- Win Fanstuff of the Month - 5000 points
- Signing up for Wiki Town - 500 points for a shopping spree
- Nominating in the SO GOOD! Award - 300 points
- Getting a rating of "SO GOOD!" in the SO GOOD! Award - 1000 Points
- Getting a rating of anything else in the SO GOOD! Award - 500 points
- Getting the rating of "Meh" in the SO GOOD! Award - 50 points
There will plenty of more ways soon.
How To Lose Points
These people don't get any points, but lose points. The ways to lose points are bad ways.
- Vandalize the wiki - Take away 500 points
- Stealing Points - Take away 100 points + give back the points and double the amount of points for that person you stole from
- Giving Yourself Unearned Points - Take Away 200 points
- Quiting - Lose all your points
- Being Blocked - You can't play anymore. You lose all your points too
What You Can Buy
You have points. So go out there buy stuff.
- Be on my friends list - 100 points
- For me to help create an email show - 400 points
- For me to protect a page so no one vandalizes it - 200 points
- For me to create a template - 100 points
- For me to create a plush doll for you - 200 points (In crappy MS Paint)
- For me to clean up your userpage - 200 points
- Help Create a samtheman.egg email - 50 points
- A custom made signature by me - 200 points
- Having a special appearance on samtheman.egg - 200 points
- A Simpedian Sysop - 100,000 points
- I need you to help think of more purchases.
The Ending
You've read all the rules, you know how and what to do. So sign up!