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Irrational Researchings/It's Dot Com
From Wiki User Wiki
Userpage Exerpt
- The Purge which is like The Holocaust IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT
- Locking the Homestar Runner Wiki Forum. Twice. FOR NO REASON IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT
- Enraging thirdies, secondies, and everybody else except for 11 year old brown nosers everwhere
- Shutting down Fanstuff Wiki 4 months after it reopened.
Misc. Info
- He's evil. He's delaying the fanstuff wiki for a stupid MediaWiki version that has yet to come out. Brerose 00:16, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- He's the antichrist. According to JCM, he's delaying the MediaWiki version so he can delay the HRFWiki. belstrnnmmvnmn 00:21, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- You know, he devoted time that could've been used to help out the HRWiki and forum to the purge, and I don't blame him for not wanting to work extra hard by upgrading after the wiki comes back up. I want to say that he's the most selfless, dedicated user I've ever known and I'm glad he's a part of our community.
00:22, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
- Oh god how long does it take to purge a wiki I mean I have been trying to stay calm about this for several months now but I can only be polite for so long HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DELETE SOME PAGES JESUS CRUST -- NachoTalk 17:20, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
*He makes Raiku annoyed, so therefore he is ace in my book. Lex 17:50, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
- gee whillikers he makes me angry!!!!!!!! TheCheesegayNachoTalk 17:50, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
- He has put a restriction on me - I'm not allowed to ask "why" questions! If I ask a "why" question, he just blindly deletes it! Which is unfair, especially when the answer to the question just cannot be guessed! And he criticises people who misspell words, as well as use incorrect capitalisation in his username - seriously, IDC, we spell and capitalise things however we want! RickTommy 03:14, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
- D: D: D: Lex 11:05, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
- If he ever came to this wiki, I'd ban him. Brerose 22:45, 4 June 2010 (UTC)