(even if you aren't vegan)
Gran Turismo: The Interactive/Main Menu/License Tests/B License/B-4
[hide]Car Info
- Nissan March G# '97
- FF
- 75hp
License Info
- Launch Speed at 0 mph
- Gold Time: 0:23:700
- Silver Time: 0:24:200
- Bronze Time: 0:27:000
Make 2 laps around this 30-meter radius circuit. The key is to maintain high speed. To do this, keep steering steadily while minutely adjusting acceleration. Feel the car shift outward as you accelerate more, inward as you accelerate less.
{Raiku gets in the car}
PATRICK: Ok, when I say "Go"-
{Raiku starts driving}
PATRICK: ...Alright, good start.
{Raiku starts riding he maitains enough speed and finishes lap 1}
RAIKU: One more lap!
{He does the same on the next lap}
RAIKU: I know I got at least bronze. What did I get?
PATRICK: 0:26:723.
HOMESTAR TIGER: {Gets ready for laps.}
PATRICK: 2, 1, GO!
{Homestar tiger begins at 20 MPH. He drives, picking up speed when he gets comfortable with his steering at the speed he is at. He finishes the laps.}
PATRICK: 0:25:725. Bronze.