(even if you aren't vegan)
Gran Turismo: The Interactive
From Wiki User Wiki
I'll need help with the intro, guys. I'll need someone to make the logo or edit the logo (which can be found here) and I'll need someone to write the intro. I'll give a cookie to anyone that helps. Peas and Tanks, --Patrick
And Iori too!.
- I choose any other moderators. Moderators can make their own races in the Endurance, Special Events, and Rally sections. Mods can add cars/car companies to the dealerships. Mods will also enforce the other rules.
- PLEASE play fair. If you don't, I'LL KEEL YOU!!!111 But seriously. Please play fair or you'll be banned for a few minutes. This rule goes for Vs Races, Alone Races, and the Licence Tests.
- Each player will start with $10,000 and no cars/licences.
- In the chat sections, don't insult anyone seriously, or use profanity. You can kill/injure as a joke, but the person you kill/injure will instantly heal.
- Don't complain about anything.
- Don't nominate this for FOTF.
- Arcade mode may be added.
- Your characters can come along and race too, but they have to use cars in your garage.
- I, Patrick, am supreme overlord of this game! MWAHAHAHA- ahem.
- New rules may come.
Sign up!
Sign up like you would for WUW Online.
*[[User:YOURNAME|YOUR NAME]]<sup>[[/YOUR NAME'S STATUS|Status]] [[/YOUR NAME'S GARAGE|Garage]]</sup>
Your status will be:
*Name: YOUR NAME HERE *Cash: YOUR CASH HERE *<no_wiki>#</no_wiki> of Cars: YOUR # OF CARS HERE *Licences Earned: YOUR LICENCES HERE
(remove the underscores in the no wiki tags)
- PatrickStatus Garage - MOD
- RaikuStatus Garage - Hotshot Racer
- Ryan BStatus Garage - Racer
- Homestar tigerStatus Garage - Some idiot, might be a racer
- CaptchaStatus Garage - Gonna be a Racer!
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