(even if you aren't vegan)
Gran Turismo: The Interactive/Main Menu/License Tests/B License/B-10
[hide]Car Info
- Ford Cougar
- FF
- 172hp
License Info
- Launch Speed at 0 mph
- Gold Time: 0:23:550
- Silver Time: 0:24:200
- Bronze Time: 0:26:000
In this S-turn test, you will be going faster than in the last test, so you must brake more solidly before entering the corner. Try to smoothly follow the yellow line through the corner. Smooth driving is the key to improving your time results.
{Raiku barely finishes}
RAIKU: I hope I got my licence.
PATRICK: 0:25:386. Raiku, you got the B License!
RAIKU: What cars can I get?
PATRICK: You must get all gold to get a car.
RAIKU: What? I got the licence.
PATRICK: Yes you did. ...Actually Raiku, you do get a car. A brand new Volkswagen Lupo!
New Car Aquired!
- Name: Lupo 1.4
- Year: ----
- Horsepower: 74hp
- Value: $8,345
- Drivetrain: FF
- Color: Yellow
PATRICK: Ready, set... 2- {interrupted}
HOMESTAR TIGER: STOP! {Hyperventilates} So... nervous...
PATRICK: Whatcha nervous for? It's just the final test.
HOMESTAR TIGER: Oh, right! {All better}
{Homestar tiger does what he did in the last test, except this time he speeds up on straightaways and slows down when he gets to curves.}
PATRICK: 0:25:643. Bronze. H*T, you got the B-Licence! Aaaaaannndddd....
New Car Aquired!
- Name: Lupo 1.4
- Year: ----
- Horsepower: 74hp
- Value: $8,345
- Drivetrain: FF
- Color: Jazz Blue
HOMESTAR TIGER: Yay! I can finally get out of these testing cars. They smell like Raiku for some reason...
PATRICK: They do? Crap! Forgot to put the air fresheners.