(even if you aren't vegan)
Finish the Sentence/old
These are the old contests.
Week 12
Sentence: "The Plastic Pants" are the most stupidest brand name ever, but an even worse name is...
Winning Entry: ...MicroSoft.
Week 11
Sentence: OMG! That guy/girl is mugging that elderly woman! You reach into your pocket and pull out...
Winning Entry: ...a new corvet and drive over the mugger then you get out a bomb in which the mugger and the old lady blows up and cuts to dramatic end credits.
Week 10
Sentence: You rock! On stage your bustin' out some wicked solo! But then, at the hight of your note playing furosity, your string breaks! To make up for this you...
Winning Entry: ...somersault into the audience; there's probably a mosh that can be sabotaged, too.
By: Noxigar
Week 9
Sentence: So many people have tried to enter that gultch, so you send...
Winning Entry: ...in a crack team of specially trained hobos who are never afraid of anything. They have nothing to lose, and they're ready for everything that life throws at them.
By: Lex
Week 8
Sentence:I'm not going to eat that cake, so I'll...
Winning Entry: ...wait a few decades to give it to my children and call it their inheritance.
Week 7
Sentence: The best thing to jump on is...
Winning Entry: ...23 Eurpoean girls and one Dutch guy.
Week 6
Sentence: The best made-up job is...
Winning Entry: ...professional internetter.
By: Im a bell
Week 5
Sentence: The coolest phrase is...
Winning Entry: ..."excuse while I make out with several ladies whilst holding this running chainsaw that I'm using to cut apart this live deer I have just doused in barbeque sauce and am going to consume in it's entirety... while skydiving into Texas."
By: Super Sam
Week 4
Sentence: The best Vegetable is...
Winning Entry: ...an apple, thats a vegetable, right?
By: Raiku
Week 3
Sentence: The most creative invention is...
Winning Entry: ...a machine that can make TV into reality
By: Lemon Demon43
Week 2
Sentence: I think the oddest word is...
Winning Entry: ...supercalafragilisticexpialadolcious.
By: Sephiroth
Week 1
Sentence: You know your friend has an obsession when....
Winning entry: ...for hours on end, they sit quietly in their dorm, in a small, unoccupied corner of the room, counting each M&M in the bag one at a time, color by color, never stopping to eat, bathe, socialize, nothing; just sitting there quietly to themself, counting M&Ms, one by one.
By: SkullB