(even if you aren't vegan)
Emerl's Blog/All
11. 7-11 is a good store. - September 3,2008 (YTST) |
Once upon a time I went to a place called 7-11. It was AWESOME. They had Trolli Sour Gummi Worms, the best ones ever, and Sour Octopi, which I think are awesome. It takes REAL skill to still be able to buy those. I'm surprised about them. I was looking online and apparently, in a place called "Beverly", They had the energy drink "Cocaine". This 7-11 was near a high-school where they rehabilitate Drug addicts. The 7-11 Hung up signs, posted ads, and it just pushed and pushed the former members of society, so the town petitioned to take down the signs and fine 7-11. The drink doesn't actually have Cocaine in it, but it's just a shame when they don't look over the reprecussions of selling and inaptly-named drink. Currently Watching: More Scrubs. |
9. Bets - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
Appearently Gemerl and Iori made a bet tat Iori couldn't go a day without cheese. I figure this'll be a good thing to talk about on my new news block in the Prime-Time schedule on TV! That's right, my petition worked, and I was elected as head newscaster. Chaos is our weatherman, but he insists instead of telling the actual weather, he says dark and depressing things like "A rainstorm of blood" and "A Storm of Knives." I figure It'll also be good to talk about the coverage on that Knife storm. Meteorologists don't lie, do they? Currently Watching: "The Colbert Report". Gotta brush up on news-casting. |
8. I need more interesting topics. - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
There's really nothing to write abouyt here. Sorry, guys. Current mood: Currently Watching: Nothing. |
7. Lucky Number 7 - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
I AM BACK. And I STILL don't understand why 7 is a lucky number. I guess I never will with such a weak and under-developed mentality. That's all I can really write about today. Currently Watching: "ACTION LEAGUE NOW!" |
6. Sixth Post - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
Well, the second page of posts. I remember just 8 weeks ago, when this blog was started. Everything stopped for 2 weeks and I couldn't update it. But then I made a return some time after that, with yea many posts. It's been a fine first page, but Now I welcome you all to page two. Currently Watching: Scrubs. LOTS AND LOTS OF SCRUBS. |
5. Early, Early fall cleaning - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
Because this is my first Blog, I decided to keep it tidy and limit it to 5 blog posts a page. Just to play it safe. I feel odd, today. Maybe it's just the lack of fresh air I have because I'M A ROBOT. My T.V. Won't change the channels anymore, So I'm stuck watching Murder, She Wrote, which actually isn't that bad. It was shot in the late '80's, and it's about an old woman who travels the world, and wherever she goes, there seems to be a murder mystery. So she solves them, then writes about them in her book, aptly named "Murder, She Wrote." Currently Watching: "Murder, She Wrote" |
4. Newcast - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
I noticed today, s I watched Comedy Central, that YouTubePoopWorld has NO NEWS STATIONS. Comedy Central has Funny parodies, but they don't deliver news, just make me laugh. That's Why I've started a petition that will get us a real news station with infromation from throughout the galaxy! Maybe I can hack their transmission signal and talk to SkullB and Jerry and Hot Girl. Currently Watching: "The Colbert Report" |
3. Long Wait - August 31,2008 (YTST) |
Yo! I'm back! Sorry about the wait. I need to post 12 more entries today, which'll probably suck, because they all need to say something different. Where was I? I was at the beach for a week, and went to mars for a while, but I'm back! Anyways, has anyone heard of that Super Smash Bros. Game they're making? They asked ME to be an Assist trophy! I get to come out of a cramped space and absorb one the fighter's techniques, then launch it back at them with 3 times the power! Or, I may storm out and force characters out of the area by spin-attacking him. They say sometimes, Gemerl may come out and use Chaos Blast on anybody near him! I feel sorry for anyone who gets caught in that. See you on the Network, brave Brawlers! Currently Watching: "Bleach" |
2. Concert - July 18,2008 (YTST) |
Hey! Emerl again. Anywayus, I figured I should tell you all:I'm going to a concert tonight! The name of the band is unimportant, but it was a funny story how we got the tickets. Turns out I used to know the guy who roads with them. He got me and Gemerl. I'm so excited! Let's hope they're everythnig they're cracked up to be! Currently Watching: "Riverstomp Festival" |
1. First Post - July 16,2008 (YTST) |
Hi! I'm Emerl! I currently reside in YouTubePoop World with my friends Gemerl, Chaos, Dalek, Kano, Patrick, Sephiroth, Iori, and Jeran. I'm doing this because Gemerl bet me 20 bucks I couldn't work a real functional blog. Proving him wrong. Right? Anyways, this is my first blog, so expect me not to know everything about blogging and junk. I'll try my best, nevertheless. Stay tuned for more exciting posts! I'll update...Tuesdays and Thursdays. See you in two days! Currently Watching: Reruns of "She's the Boss" |