(even if you aren't vegan)
Dot's Mailbox/oralina
Dot tries to tell about who is good and bad. Albino ruins the idea.
CAST: Dot, a kookaburra, Albino, Ethan, Zoo977, Zorax, project L, Marissa, Maloa, Yvonne, Wendy
SETTING: Dot's front yard, a literal gum tree, the Ethan and Dolan stage, downtown west narry, Dot's kitchen
{cuts to dots front yard.}
DOT: {opens the mailbox, takes out the letter} Lets see how many marbles I can stuff into this! {pours in a bag of marbles. dot looks down} This would be a time when fingers would come in handy. {opens the letter}
Hey, Dot!So, what's it like where you live? What are the demons you face daily?
- K. Burra
DOT: Well, kookaburra, I would like to question what it's like living in an old gum tree.
{cuts to an inside view of a tree. gum is growing on the branches. a kookaburra is on a branch. albino walks in}
ALBINO: Don't you ever get sick of old gum?
{cuts back}
DOT: Back on task, there are two halfs of my houses residents: the awesome people, and the smart idiots
{cuts to the same gum tree}
DOT: {offscreen} Wrong camera!
{cuts to a talk show stage. a touch sceen is falling from the cieling. ethan can be seen walking offscreen}
DOT:Thanks for letting my use the stage!
ETHAN: No problem. {walks offscreen}
DOT: Thank you for watching. As you notice, there are two pie charts on this touch screen board.
DOLAN: {offscreen} Don't get it all smudgy!
DOT: Let's look at each section of the charts.
{cuts to a view of the yellow chart. it splits into six sections.}
DOT: This one {touches one section with a yard stick, causing hardhat to appear on it} is Zoo. He really is a nice guy. Did any of you watch TDI last night?
ALBINO: {not seen} Wait, you got off the island?
DOT: Why do you think I'm always well rested on camera?
DOT: Anyways, we worked out a plan that caused dot to win!
ZOO977: I was surprised with how much chaos wanted to win! He lost his hands skin and then you tripped him out of the tree!
DOT: Good times, good times. Anyways, he's the one who inspired me to make a snail mail sohw. A first of it's kind! Also, if you haven't noticed he's my boyfriend, and you think he should be on the other chart you're blind.
ALBINO: Can we see someone from the other chart?
DOT: This is my show!
ALBINO: Fine. {jumps up to the board, begins causing the pieces to fly everywhere} Touchy touchy touchy!
{zoo walks onscreen, and kicks albino offscreen.}
DOT: {begins clicking pieces. nothing happens to some of them} Great. Now only three work. {sighs, clicks a red portion. zorax appears} While zorax is good, honestly! Zoo designed this awesome machine to bring peace to the world!
ALBINO: {not seen} Like the little hippie he is!
ZOO977: Yeah, he redesigned it to his liking! Look at the city!
{cuts to a view of down town. 8 robots like this are attacking the city. cuts back}
DOT: And, look what he hid to marissa's hairdryer!
{cuts to zoo's living room. there is a flying hairdryer shooting fire. its chasing marissa. cuts back}
DOT: You have to admit, that was cool but uncalled for.
ZOO977: That is still hilarioius to watch, though.
DOT: Now for a good person, {touches another piece, maloa appears on it} Maloa. He is cool. Also, you know the dead weight characters on TDI?
ZOO977: Yes.
DOT: If maloa replaces one of them, he's gonna go far in the challanges!
ZOO977: He once made it to the last round of the oralian national fencing tournament!
DOT: Yvonne also has the perfect use for him
{cuts to dots kitchen. a giant uncut roll of salami is there. maloa is chopping the salami, with yvonne watching}
MALOA: Remember, one red paint vile for every 2 slices.
{cuts back}
DOT: He is a really helpful guy. For a bad kid, {touches a red piece, wendy appears on it} Wendy.
ZOO977: She is extremely annoyig, and unintentionally rude at funerals!
DOT: At zoo's grandfather's funeral, she said "He'll decompose, enriching the ground!"
ZOO977: No surprise she got us kicked out!
DOT: There are few times when she's not happy! Anyways, thats all we can do, because of albino.
{the screen blackens, and zoo and dot leave. the screen is now completely smudged. cuts to a tree's mailbox. dot puts in the letter}
Click here to |
write to Dot |
o |
Easter Eggs
Click on albino when he's using the screen to chenge the portions to states. This will change back after the robot part.
Fun Facts
- In the second episode of Total Drama Wiki Island, Zoo did team up with Dot, winning her the round. Also, chaos did get tripped from a tree and had his hands skin removed.
- The stage used is from Ethan & Dolan.
- The robots will reaccour in the next episode.
- The states joke is from Friday Night Live.