(even if you aren't vegan)
From Wiki User Wiki
< Conshow
Yep. I'm curious. I mean, curious about what character is the most liked. I decided to create this poll (yeah, yeah, I know December 24th is not a good day to post something like this because of bad timing) to see which character proves to be the most popular. Soon, we'll settle this in-character dispute once and for all!
- How does one vote?
- Sign your name below one of the character's names. You are free to state why you like said character.
- Just one character? My word!
- Okay, okay. You can pick up to three characters, main and secondary.
- Is this a one-shot poll?
- Probably. The winning character gets a non-canonical episode that I have to write that focuses mainly on them, so feel free to vote for the characters that I can't work with easily to torment me if you like.
Main Character List
Cruroar "Jake" Goodwin
Cieeia Goldilin
Chrionroar The Idiot
Clark "Sirhicnoc"
Greg the Yffulf
Secondary Characters
It is written, Only the secondary characters that are currently being used and are not on the deceased characters list will qualify, this is done to avoid cluttering the list (Writer is disqualified because he mostly acts like an author character.)