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User talk:Mitchell/Emails
From Wiki User Wiki
Unanswered Emails
Write your emails underneath the line, and be sure to use block-quotes.
subject: ???Mitchell.
- ???
You are needed.
Meet me at Atlanta, Georgia.
On your journey, use your feet, only feet.
Answered Emails
These are emails I have already answered, but may refer back to in a later episode.
subject: datingTo Mitchell:
- Zippy P.
So, with more than one girl around, do you ever go on dates?
I mean, with all those other guys around, there's gotta be competition.
subject: Objection!Say Mitchell,
- Some guy who is not Badstar.
Have you ever considered becoming a defense attorney?
You'd get to point your finger and yell things! You should try it out.
MITCHELL'S ELECTRONIC MAILBAG EH They call me Big T BLOOD 14:23, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
- Indeed. I completely agree. -Mitchell 10:50, 17 March 2009 (UTC)