(even if you aren't vegan)
Spyro email/Major Characters/Drake
Drake was first seen in the DS playing Mario Kart, but then was captured by Platinum Poorbt. Spyro then saved him as well as Peachy and Bad Boy. Drake is the main talker of everyone, and is an inventor that can make useful stuff, but his speech is faster than thought and he says some weird and stupid stuff. His first seen invention were fusion pods, and fused a Crab and a Turtle creating Alpha CT the crabturtle. He used to be the smart person, but after Bad Boy Stampeded the room with cows, he switched IQs with Bad Boy. Though he can still make inventions, he is still very dumb and ironic. He seems to be getting a little bit smarter, but his stupidity still shines out. Currently, Spyro thought he was assisting way too much, and Spyro didn't let him search for Waldo in Search Mission.
Debut: Rescue mission
8: Spyro email/Rescue mission - 23: Search Mission