(even if you aren't vegan)
Aruseus Emails/news
Aruseus starts a news program.
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, The Cheat, Homsar
Places: Computer Room, The Field
Computer: Intell 600
Date: Febuary 9th, 2007
ARUSEUS: Aruseus used Check Email! It's super effective!
subject: newsAruseus - the coolest of the cool people and better
than Strong Sad or Homsar!
I want you to do the news and have a news channel replacing the awful news
channel named Fox news. Really, bugs the crap out of me.
Good crap,Meg Griffin,Quahog,Rhode Island
ARUSEUS: {typing} Meg...Griffin? That's a familiar name...nah, it's not. Wait a sec. You mean to tell me Foxx has his own news show? HE MUST BE STOPPED!
ARUSEUS: Then that does it! I have to compete with Foxx. I'll start my own news progrum.
{Cut to The Field, Aruseus and Tom are moving a desk}
ARUSEUS: Little more...
TOM: Here?
ARUSEUS: Little to the left...and DONE!
TOM: Hoo...that was heavy.
ARUSEUS: Well, we're done here. Now to get some chairs!
TOM: Urrrrgh...
{5 chairs later}
ARUSEUS: Ok! We finally got it!
TOM: {panting} I...hate...you.
ARUSEUS: I know! Isn't it fantastic?
TOM: Whatevs. Get to your crappy news show.
{fade out an in, Aruseus is in a blue suit}
ARUSEUS: Hello, and welcome to the Ring at 5. Today's top story is, Strong Bad: The Last Great Guy? Is it true that Strong Bad is the only cool guy in Free Country? Besides me... Any way, The Cheat and I...
{The Cheat pops up from behind the desk}
THE CHEAT: Mehmeh!
ARUSEUS: Are still examining this subject. We've come to a conclusion that-
{Zoom out to see Homsar standing next to Aruseus holding a cardboard speech bubble that says "happy peaches"}
ARUSEUS: Strong Bad is...wha!? What are you doing here!?
HOMSAR: AaaaAaaaAaaaAaa!
ARUSEUS: Out with you!
HOMSAR: Pshoo...
ARUSEUS: Now as I had stated before...
{The Paper}
ARUSEUS: No! Not yet!