(even if you aren't vegan)
Con email.wue/30
Conchris somehow gets a flashback to old-school after he deletes an email
Cast in order of appearance: Conchris, Old-School Conchris, Old-School Cruroar, Old-School Strong Bad, More to come...
Dear Conchris,
The King of Town wants you to go to a meeting with him. You MUST proceed.
Bishoply Figure
Teh Noid,
CONCHRIS: What? I need to go to a meeting with him? Idiots... I never forgave the King of Town for banishing me to Blue Fadey land, so DELETED!!
CONCHRIS: Well that sucked...Let's extend this email in a poor way and flashback to the Old-School days or...5 years ago...
{screen fades and then it cuts to Marshmallow's Last Stand}
OLD-SCHOOL CONCHRIS: Time to check a real email from one of my friends.
Dear Conchris,
I am a desperate Email Checker.
Homestar Runner
Can you give me any tips on check...ing?
From your first best friend ever,
OLD-SCHOOL CONCHRIS: Ahh! My first friend! Homestar, in order to check your emails you must have a computer that connects to the internet! {plugs internet line into the computer} and then you must create an email client! {types in 'createnewemailclient.exe'}
{Old School Cruroar comes in}
OLD-SCHOOL CONCHRIS: I'll be getting to that later, I'm trying to show Homestar how to check emails.
{Old-School Cruroar goes into Holy-Crap Adorible Eyes mode}
OLD-SCHOOL CONCHRIS: Fine! We'll be back in a minute.
{Old-School Conchris and Cruroar leave, Old-School Strong Bad comes in}
OLD-SCHOOL STRONG BAD: With this computer we can win the competition for greatest email in the world!
{A hidden audience boos as Old-School Strong Bad takes the computer somehow}
{Old-School Strong Bad leaves, Old-School Conchris comes back in}
OLD-SCHOOL CONCHRIS: Oh no! My computer is stolen! Now what will I do? I'll buy a new one! {Old-School Homestar Runner comes in}
OLD-SCHOOL HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm a star! {Homestar jumps up into the air and the old theme song plays}
{Cut to the Lappo 600, Conchris is sleeping}
CONCHRIS: Huh wha? Oot? Oh yeah, it is a good day to use Flash MX 2004. Stocks are up, pipes are down and Ol' Conchris here is ripping off some of Strong Bad's lineam [sic]...eam. {Conchris leaves, The paper comes down}
Fun Facts
- This MIGHT be the first Conchris email that has old-school in it.
- This was created when the Fanstuff Wiki was locked
Easter Eggs
- Click on Lineam [sic] to see the tub of Lineam [sic]:
The King Of Town's Lineam! I don't let's Strong Bad near it!