(even if you aren't vegan)
Con email.wue/19
Conchris gets another email from H*R 700.
Cast in order of appearence: Conchris, Chriscon, Tampo, Brody, Stlunko, Cruriroar
CONCHRIS: Look, if there's more emails from that ghost, I'm gonna kill him...
Hey man,
H*R 700
did I warn you good enough? I hope I did.
Any-dang-way, did you know about the boss trios secret plans to capture chriscon?
You better hide him or his going to use chriscons power to destary the world!
CONCHRIS: Great...Just what I need, another warning....
CHRISCON: I have to hide? Oh crap! {Chriscon runs towards the invincible room and locks himself}
CONCHRIS: I don't think the boss trio is going to find Chriscon for a long while...
{Crashing noises are heard, zoom out to reveal Tampo}
TAMPO: Hello, weakling. Did you see Chriscon around here?
CONCHRIS: Oh crap.... It's the boss trio! RUN! AHHHH! {runs off}
BRODY: What's his problem?
STLUNKO: Sensors indicate that Chriscon is trying to escape.
TAMPO: Grr.... NEXT TIME CHRISCON! {Tampo, Brody and Stlunko go off}
CONCHRIS: Are they gone? Phew! But I wanted their autographs...
{The paper comes down}
CHRISCON: {muffled voice} Fooled them...
CONCHRIS: Right...
Conraver's Blog Continuation
{Conraver bursts in}
CONRAVER: Okay, now where am I?
CONCHRIS: Do I remember you? Email 10?
CONRAVER: Erm... no, that was.... just The Cheat.
CONCHRIS: I knew it!
CONRAVER: I better get goin...
{Blue Lazor teleports in}
BLUE LAZOR COMMANDER: Oh goody! It's our favourite enemy, Conraver!
CONCHRIS: Conraver?
BLUE LAZOR COMMANDER: It seems that you have the non-canon cannon, Conraver. {duplicates the cannon} THIS IS MINE NOW! Now, to find the heart of this pathetic WUE!
{Blue Lazor Commander teleports out}
{Conraver teleports out after them}
CHRISCON: {muffled voice} Okay...
CONCHRIS: Just shut up, they'll come back!
CHRISCON: {shouting} OKAY!
CRUIROAR: {comes in} Did I hear something coming from the pod room?
CRURIROAR: Carry on... {walks off}
Fun Fact
- None
Easter Eggs
- Click on the door to see what Chriscon did.
Easter Egg Transcript
CHRISCON: Gotta put this dummy in here!
{Chriscon puts his dummy robot into the pod then steps on it}
{Cut back to outside the room}