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Con email.wue/5

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Conchris gets an email about him not sending someone a WUE then gets some stupid Homsar Island Advertisment

Cast in order of appearence: Conchris, Unknown Shadows, Cruroar (Easter Egg)


{Cut to Homsar Island's boat, Conchris is at a table}

CONCHRIS: Need to check my email.

CONCHRIS: An Email eh? I'll give you an email!

{Conchris types in something clicks send}

CONCHRIS: Since I don't want this to be short, NEXT EMAIL!

UNKNOWN SHADOW 1: Hey! What are you doing Conchris?

CONCHRIS: Hey! I'm trying to answer this email!

UNKNOWN SHADOW 2: Are we there yet?

CONCHRIS: We aren't there yet...


CONCHRIS: Well, I'm already on Homsar Island, after going through Homestar's Island and that Homeschool's Island... DELETED!

CONCHRIS: What the? Why is this stupid deleting thing not working?

{The Paper comes down, Click here to email Conchris}

UNKNOWN SHADOW 1: Hey! What's that?

CONCHRIS: I present to you....The Paper.

UNKNOWN SHADOW 1: The paper eh? It sucks!

{The paper comes down more, 'Shut up'}

CONCHRIS: I don't think we need anymore of this chatter...

{The paper retracts}

Fun Facts

  • Conchris is actually on Homsar's Island in the Interactive section.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Conchris to see Cruroar hit someone in the head


CONCHRIS: Here we are with the start of Cruroar's Nameless Computer Era.

STRONG SADER: I like the nameless compy, you should bring it back. It's the only computer that didn't get destroyed.

CONCHRIS: I know. Cruroar uses it for his PBC thingies.

STRONG SADER: Ummm... Anything else to say?

CONCHRIS: Well, the motto for the 'flyer' pretty much sucked. It's just Homsar's favourite word over and over and OW MY HEAD!

STRONG SADER: I loved Homsar's island.

CONCHRIS: Anyway, that pretty much sums it up.

STRONG SADER: More shameless advertising?

CONCHRIS: And oh crap, the emails over. Maybe Number 6.
