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Con email.wue/4

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Conchris gets another spam email and then gets another email

Cast in order of appearence: Conchris, Homsar, Cruroar.


CONCHRIS: Email is the coolest!

CONCHRIS: Subscribed User? I'm not subscribed into The Internet Gamers Club of America.... Fowarded to Strong Sad...


CONCHRIS: What? Oh no! My computer is about to blow up!

{Conchris runs out screaming}

{cut to the stick, where Homsar is there for no reason}

HOMSAR: DAaAaAaAaAaAaAa! Alms for the pudgy. Alms for the pudgy.

{Conchris runs in screaming and exits scene left}

HOMSAR: DAaAaAaAaAaAaAa! I thought I saw the gravy train!

{cut to Conchris' Computer room, the computer blows up}

{cut to the field, where Conchris is}

CONCHRIS: Oh no! {runs off}

{cut to Conchris' Computer Room, where the blown up Smandy 206 is.}

CONCHRIS: MY COMPUTER! I'm off to some place... I'll bring Cruroar's computer with me!

{The Paper comes down as Conchris runs away saying, "Click here to email Conchris}

{cut to Cruroar's computer room}

CONCHRIS: Heheheh.... Cruroar won't notice....

{Close-up of Conchris' backpack, Cruroar pops up}

CRUROAR: {Squeaks, sounding like HEH HEH HEH!}

CONCHRIS: Who said that?

CRUROAR: Meh! {hides}

Fun facts

  • There is no fun facts nor easter eggs


CONCHRIS: Welcome to spam2! More spam than you and your grandmother can handle. Meh.

STRONG SADER: This email always makes me sad.

CONCHRIS: And is one of my crappiest emails EVOR! And is the end for Smandy 206.

STRONG SADER: I like that computer.

CONCHRIS: I miss having Conchris use the computer...It was short-lived... I might bring it back under Smandy 207 or something...

STRONG SADER: Maybe you could take the remains of your past computers and crapily tape them together to make a super computer.

CONCHRIS: Now that'll be funny...Anyway, I don't like what Homsar is saying in this email.

STRONG SADER: I think it's funny.

CONCHRIS: KABOOM! There goes the Smandy 206. It was so brave...


CONCHRIS: And that's why I hate Computer Deaths. The weirdest one being the Lappo 123's death. So, see you next time...{sniff}
