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Con email.wue/1

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Revision as of 12:37, 4 July 2008 by Conchris (talk | contribs) (Welp, better migrate the emails now while I still have time to do so.)
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Conchris is sent an Email from his 20X6 Self to figure out when did he met Cruroar

Cast (In order of Appearence): Conchris, Cruroar, Homestar Runner, Homsar (Easter Egg)

Page Title: Smandy206!!!


{Cut to Conchris' Computer Room}

CONCHRIS: You got an Email on your ugly butt

{Conchris types in con_email.exe}

CONCHRIS: Woah! Chriscon? Cool name! Okay now onto the email. {clears screen} Well, Cool Name, I met Cruroar at The Stick.

{Cut to The Stick, Conchris is the Voiceover}

CONCHRIS: At The Stick, I heard rustling noises.

{The Bushes rustle}

FLASHBACK HOMESTAR: Wow! There must be some hidden treaswure awound here.

FLASHBACK CONCHRIS: Is there? Maybe... I'll go check!

{Flashback Conchris jumps into the Bushes}

CONCHRIS: That is when I found a poor little a The Cheat shivering wet.

FLASHBACK CONCHRIS: Hey! Hello, little guy!


FLASHBACK CONCHRIS: Let me take you home.

{cut to Conchris' Computer Room}

CONCHRIS: I nursed Cruroar back to not so frozen state and now he became my friend. Well that is all. Now to send Emails to other Wiki Users.

{The Paper comes down 'Click here to Email Conchris}

CONCHRIS: Well, that email sucked... I hope I get better ones.

Fun Facts

  • Conchris saying he's going to send Emails to other Wiki Users is actually true as he Emailed Homfrog and Letmita (Mrs. Commanderson) before this email even started.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Conchris to see Homsar say something about it.

Easter Egg Transcript

{The screen darkens, Homsar walks in}

HOMSAR: DaAaAaAaAaA! This is raised by a cup of coffee!


CONCHRIS: Hewwo! And welcome to the King of Town's DVD!

STRONG SADER: Ummm, it's the email DVD.

CONCHRIS: Oh, anyway, 'tis the first email EVER. It sucked...

STRONG SADER: Maybe it did but it was your first email. EVOR!

CONCHRIS: Anyway, this is the reason why I found Cruroar. He looks cute when he's cold.

STRONG SADER: He stunk like crap though.

CONCHRIS: And that's about wraps it up. See you next time on...Erm...Wrong cards...