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~~ Alright all im back!11 Sorr I cuoldent b here ealrier but i had 2 be rushed 2 hopsital 4 slitting my rists! ~~


{Short pause.}

NAMINE: Remind me to give Lex a vigorous, vivacious, and emotional embrace after riffing the rest of his work.

back at the jedi academy (oh yeh i fogot that evry1 is in a jedi academy. Sorry!) we had litesaba tranning. Demen asked me,

"god I {BEEP} hate litesaber traning cannot we skipp it?"

me being the badass mofo i am i said:

"yeh i agree litesaber tranning is 4 prepz anyway"

so we heded in2 my room 2 listen 2 goffick bands and smoke weed.

NAMINE: I think Noxigar was sort of "gothic" and he hasn't smoked weed. But hey, what do he or I know about being gothic?

i got out a bag of pur Jango and lit it on fier. i then put it to my nose and inahed it depply adn i pased it 2 demen and he did da same.

we were so high rite now we cuoldn't evan think! so to enhance uor experence we got out our iPhoneTM (so i dont get suoed) adn put on sum Lincoln Pak. becauz it iz totlly awesum!!

we were so {beep} in' high that we started sinning (c wut i did there)

NAMINE: {sounding visibly unnerved} I, I really don't see what you did there.

together we sang numb encore with me doing th lyriks and demen doin the raping

"what th hell r we wating 4?!?!"

suddenly however, Obie Won berst in adn he shouted



we were totly screwed so we treid 2 mak a run 4 it but he used tha forse and stopd us in our tracs!!

"obie won u son of a bich wy did u stop us"

"becaz u were smokin weed"

obie won then usd hiz forse powas to tranport us 2 hiz offise wher jabba the hut (pe teacher)

NAMINE: {sounding even more unnerved} Why is Jabba the gym teacher?

and han solo waz ther 2

"yabba jabba najfsaja" said jaba in his hut langich (it meant "i fond hansolo smokin crakk in his room")

"supise, becauz i fond these 2 outsid doin' the same whil sinning to lincin pak" said obie

"yabba goffy shitty moosik" said jabba

"{bepp} you bitch linkin park iz god u prepz just h8 it becoz it was coller than your musik!!!!!!1!" I shouted, sexily

NAMINE: How the hell do you do sass someone "sexily?"

obie then slapped us across tha face and told us that we has detaintion after jedi academy. we ran out, all pissed off

NAMINE: I imagine the idea of detention would be bad for your goth cred.