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Revision as of 03:53, 24 April 2013 by Noxigar (talk | contribs) (Eesh, this email is more of a train wreck than the others.)
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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, Bubs, Kilroy, Anthruseus, Lord T, Overlord T (easter egg), Anthru-Borg (easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Tom's Room, Bubs' Concession Stand, 20X6

Computer: E-Mach 1000

Date: February 16th, 2007

NAMINE: I wish these emails weren't so rushed that one would forget to change the year to 2008.
NAMINE: Oh wait.


{Aruseus is playing Super Smash Bros. 64 on his computer}

NAMINE: Well, it's good to know a so-called "Nintendian" has to play Super Smash Bros. 64 on an emulator. What, does he not know a friend who has a N64? I figured he'd have one who did, even if it was imaginary and he got the N64 from craigslist while drunk.

ARUSEUS: Jump, Fox, jump! GAH!

NAMINE: For one thing, Aruseus probably wouldn't have to suffer emulator lag ruining his jumps.


ARUSEUS: Well that sucked. I guess I'll do...things.

{Aruseus clicks the email icon}

Subject: Styx's song is real

Dear Man of the past,

I am an outlaw from the year 20X6. My name is Kilroy. You may know me as Mr. Roboto. Listen, I am being hunted down by the T-Force. I need you to help to fight back. Will you Join Forces with Me, Solid Nutosnake, Nuttemon, Nuttysan, Chibi Stinkoman, Master Prez and Cow Strife. If not? How come?

Please Help,


{Namine sighs.}

NAMINE: A tired joke based on a Styx song is not going to be funny anymore.

NAMINE: I do feel bad for Lucas Aura since the problem with most of the emails lies in fault of the email senders, but I wager Aruseus could have picked a better email to do for this week and have been much better off.

ARUSEUS: {typing} Ah, so a song man and some Brawl spoofs need help. I guess I can help you guys take down my future self. But first, I need to prepare.

{Cut to Tom's room, Tom is wearing a Lucario-esque suit}

ARUSEUS: WHAT are you wearing? The cosplay convention isn't untill next month!

TOM: It's a battle suit, the Aura Suit. I overheard you needed help, so I'm all dressed up and I've got no place to go.

ARUSEUS: Well. let's go get Bubs for some weapons.

{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, Bubs hands Aruseus shotguns}

BUBS: Here you go!

TOM: Thanks.

{Cut to 20X6, Aruseus and Tom warp in}

KILROY: You've arrived. {To Tom} Nice outfit, by the way, ridiculous flip-man.

NAMINE: {imitating Tom} This. Is. An. Aura Suit! It's. Designed. For. Combat!

TOM: Bleh.

NAMINE: I read that as "I'm too lazy to provide a suave, sassy one-liner to make up for the established fact I look completely and utterly ridiculous for all the wrong reasons." That might just be me, though.

ARUSEUS: There he is!

ANTHRUSEUS: Not you again...

ARUSEUS: Yes, me again.

ANTHRUSEUS: {to Tom} HAHAHAHA! Your outfit's soooooooo dumb!

TOM: Look, someday I'll save your sorry butts wit

NAMINE: with

this thing's power! {Shoots an Aura Sphere at Anthruseus}

ANTHRUSEUS: OW! Lord T, I need help! The us from the past are here!

LORD T: Do I have to!? I look ridiculous!

ARUSEUS: You mean...

{Lord T walks out in an Aura Suit, Anthruseus and Aruseus start laughing}

TOM AND LORD T: SHUT UP! {look at each other}

TOM: Truce?

LORD T: For now. {they shake hands}


{They both jump in the air and release an Aura Storm attack on Aruseus and Anthruseus}

{The Paper comes down}

KILROY: What about me?!

NAMINE: Uh, what about you? The email got taken over by a really bad character quirk gone completely wrong.
NAMINE: The email you wrote, despite the forced Styx references, was actually quite fine compared to previous emails.

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Lord T's laser to see an extra scene}
{Cut to Overlord T's HQ, Overlord T walks out in an Aura Suit}
ANTHRU-BORG: What the crap are you wearing!?
  • Click on Tom's laser to see a hidden message, "AURA SUIT TOM AS ALT. COSTUME!"
NOXIGAR: Suddenly, Pulsefire Ezreal makes sense!
NAMINE: No, no it doesn't. Also, you should stop playing ranked games on League of Legends. It's putting quite a damper on your sanity.

Fun Facts


NAMINE: I read this as "I'm too lazy to write Fun Facts that aren't bludgeoningly obvious to the audience unless they specifically need to be told about references to other fanstuffs simply because I'm too lazy to provide context within the actual script." That might just be me, though. I need to make a better sleep schedule.