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Cast (in order of appearence): Aruseus, Alpha Stan, Cyrus, Danestar Cookman, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, 1-Up Cheatachu, Doo-Moh

Places: Computer Room, Stage, Public Restroom

Date: May 12th, 2007

Computer: A-tech 950


ARUSEUS: {singing} Last time was just the end of a really sad de lah de dah!

NAMINE: Sad? Last email was sad, alright. It was sad in the "I want to poke myself in the eye" way.
Hello, Aruseus. You have one email.

ARUSEUS: Bring it up, Stanmans.

Never again call me that-

NAMINE: I concur.

ARUSEUS: Ahem, who's the star of the show here?

You are-

ARUSEUS: Correct.

NAMINE: Just because it says "Dan v. the World" doesn't mean Dan gets to be a colossal dickbag with no redeemable qualities who we're apparently supposed to root for, despite the antagonists being 1,000% better than him in every way.


{Noxigar falls down stairs}
subject: danestar cooker

Dear Aruseus,
Do you want to see

From, James For You!

PS: You are cool.

ARUSEUS: {typing} Umm...don't you mean Cookman? Ah well. Thanks for calling me cool. We don't really see much of Danestar.

CYRUS: {walks in} I never really seem to include Danestar. He was originally just a character to show off.

ARUSEUS: Why do you constantly interfere with your own written transcript? Won't it cause a paradox thingy?

CYRUS: Nobody can just magically appear in a transcript! I just write myself in there!


CYRUS: So as I was...


CYRUS: Ok. I'll put him in.

ARUSEUS: He's coming again? Sha-weet. {runs out}

{Cut to a stage, Danestar is doing his comedy}

ARUSEUS: I love your comedy, Cookman!

DANESTAR: Thanks! Hey, you guys ever wonder, when you walk into a public restroom, everything is freakin' wet?

ARUSEUS: Oh my cheese! I do know!

{Flashback, Aruseus and Homestar walk into a public restroom, Aruseus steps in a puddle}

ARUSEUS: Argh! Why is it always wet in these restrooms?

HOMESTAR: I know! Can you believe it?

ARUSEUS: Now I'm going to have to de-sanitize my foot again...if that's a word...

{Cut back to Stage}

DANESTAR: Oh! Have you guys gotten any Speak-and-Spells?

STRONG BAD: {waves hand} Does a Grape-Nuts Robot Count?

DANESTAR: Those things are evil!

ARUSEUS: Just like Furbies! They scare me!

1-UP CHEATACHU: No they're not! {waves Doo-moh in the air} Stop insulting Doo-Moh's bretheren!

{Cut back to A-Tech}

ARUSEUS: {typing} But what scares me more is...Wiki User Crossovers. Except for Cyrus, he's cool.

CYRUS: Got that right.

ARUSEUS: You're still here?

CYRUS: Transcript.

ARUSEUS: does it work?

CYRUS: You just type something and it happens.

{Cyrus takes out the Talon 564, with the previous 5 lines and actions on it's screen, Cyrus types: "Aruseus' left leg disappears" and the types action occurs}


{His leg reappears}



{Cut back to A-Tech interface}

ARUSEUS: {typing} So there you go. I saw Danestar. {stops} Ok! So untill next time, I'm top dog!

Click here to email Aruseus.

Fun Facts
