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RiffText/The Adventures of Domo and T Pedo
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MELON: Hey, one person who reads Rifftext! I made this fanfiction with Bell about a year ago. Of course, it was shitty. Let'sWATCH IT.
- Happy Days - Domo and T Pedo meet and have a good time
- Coolcon '09 - Domo and T Pedo go to "Coolcon '09".
MELON: I'm surprised they were invited.
- Ghosts! - T Pedo's house is haunted!
Domo is is the mascot of Japan's NHK television station, appearing in several 30 second stop-motion sketches shown as station identification during shows. In 2006, Nickelodeon brought Domo to America. In May 2008, Domo was running around happily until he tripped over T Pedo. They have been friends ever since. Oh, and he likes Scrubs.MELON: omg y did they get rid of jd!!!!!!!!!
T Pedo
T Pedo is a relative of Pedobear and Domo's friend.MELON: What happens when you cross two internet memes? A piece of shit.His full name is Timothy Alvin Pedo. He likes to eat corn. He was born in Brazil. In episode one, Happy Days, he turns invisible and he gains a flying ability. Oh, and he doesn't really care about Scrubs.