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File talk:Sephiroth SSB Sprites.png

From Wiki User Wiki
Revision as of 23:27, 15 April 2012 by JuomariVeren (talk | contribs) (I can't imagine the final roster of the new version being bigger than 12 characters. It would be more prelininary than anything.)
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Fetch me a bucket, I think I'm going to chunder. Lex 23:54, 15 April 2012 (UTC)

If I ever do actually work on this(well first I would cut the shit out of everything), I'd probably make newer sprites for you. Like that JUS one I made you. I'd probably sprite you in the Wikihood Bowling Shirt I always imagined you in. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 00:42, 16 April 2012 (UTC)
If only I could JUS-style sprite. I'd be all over doing that. I did however come up with an Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 moveset for Lucian I could work into a Smash Bros. moveset. However if you DO revive this, I might want Zarel and friends too. Lucian SummersThe Heir has awoken. Your shit is wrecked. 03:02, 16 April 2012 (UTC)
Well first thing I would do is cut the character list to a realistic starting number AND THEN change the name AND THEN Redo everything. If I cut the shit out of the roster then I would have to probably fill in a few spaces. Artisan of TortureThey call me Big T BLOODArtisan of Torture 03:27, 16 April 2012 (UTC)