(even if you aren't vegan)
Records Of Bell/Records/35
Cow Puncher visits after years
Cast: Cow Puncher, Bell, Sarah
Places: Cow Puncher's House, Bell's House,
Insult: ???
Credit Joke: ???
Episode Information: 605- Title TBA
{Open to a set on tv.}
ANTHONY SULLIVAN: Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
ANTHONY DOLL: Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
ANTHONY DOLL DOLL: Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
ANTHONY DOLL DOLL DOLL: Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
{Cut to Cow's living room}
{opening sequence. Cut to Bell's living room. Bell and Sarah are there, watching television}
ANTHONY SULLIVAN:{on television} Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
ANTHONY DOLL:{on television} Anthony Sullivan here with... Anthony Sullivan. {pulls out a doll, and pulls a string on it}
IM A BELL: ...Didn't Billy Mays do this, like, a month ago, or something?
SARAH: I think so...