(even if you aren't vegan)


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Chapter 1

First of all, Homestar is pronouncing his r's like w's, but I just wrote it as the real word instead.

One day, Homestar and Marzipan were at the mall. Homestar wanted a drink so he said; "Marzipan, can I have some money so that I can buy a soda?"

"Sure" said Marzipan. Marzipan gave Homestar the money and he bought a soda.

Then they go walking around the mall. When they were walking, an announcer said;

"The bathrooms will be down for a while." Homestar did not pay attention to this message and kept drinking his soda. He finished his soda and said to Marzipan; "Marzipan, I have to go to the bathroom".

"Homestar, the bathrooms are down" said Marzipan. Then it started to rain. "I need to pee" said Homestar.

"You'll just have to hold it, Homestar" said Marzipan. Homestar and Marzipan keep walking around the mall and then Homestar says;"Marzipan, I really,really, REALLY need to go pee!!" Marzipan said; "Just hold it!"

Then Homestar started to cry and said; "Marzipan, it HURTS!" Marzipan didn't really care though.

Then they see Strong Bad. Strong Bad said; Hey, Homestar!" Then Strong Bad took a bottle of water and poured it in a bowl. Then Strong Bad says; "Think that was bad?" Then Strong Bad pour lemonade in the bowl.

Yellow liquid. That made Homestar cry more. Then The Cheat comes up to Homestar and scares him.

Homestar peed a little in his underwear when The Cheat scared him. Then Homestar says; "I can't hold it any longer!" Homestar starts to pee on himself and the floor. Strong Bad said; HAHAHA!!!!! I gonna video tape this and put it on YouTube!" The next day, Marzipan is on YouTube and sees the video and laughs. Homestar sees Marzipan laughing and he cries.

Homestar goes outside and everybody he sees said; "Hey Pee-Pee star!" Homestar cries, again.
What will happen next? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

Chapter 2

Homestar then stops crying and goes back in his house.

He decides to go on the computer, and when he logs onto the internet, he sees an advertisement saying; " CLICK HERE FOR A 3 IPOD!!!!!!".

"Wow! A 3 iPod!" said Homestar. Homestar clicked the link and filled out the form on the website.

The computer screen said; "You're iPod will be delivered in 48 hours". "I can't wait till my iPod arrives!" said Homestar. Homestar then goes on Marapets (a virtual pet site) and sees another advertisement that said; "SHOOT THE DUCK FOR A 3 LAPTOP!!!!".

When Homestar saw this he said; "Wow! First a 3 iPod, now a 3 laptop!". He shot the virtual duck and filled out the form on the website. Then, the computer screen said;

"You're 3 laptop will be delivered in 48 hours".

Homestar is so happy for these 3 offers. He tells everybody that he is going to get a 3 iPod and laptop. Strong Bad heard this and then said; "Nothing in life is free, Homestar".

"Oh yeah? Then i'll show you the laptop and iPod when I get it in the mail!" said Homestar. 48 hours later, Homestar's 3 laptop and 3 iPod arrive.

"YAY!! MY 3 IPOD AND 3 LAPTOP!!!" said Homestar. "Let's see it then" said Strong Bad Homestar opens the box that was suppose to have the iPod in it, but doesn't find an iPod... Then, everybody was in shock.

"IT'S A TURD!!" said Strong Bad.

Everybody laughed. Homestar looked so embarrassed, so he opened the box that was suppose to have the laptop in it, and finds another turd!

The letter in the boxes said; "FOOLED YOU!!!".

Homestar was humiliated.

"See Homestar, nothing in life is free" said Strong Bad. Homestar started to cry.

Then, Marzipan said; "Homestar, now you've learned your lesson, never trust anything that says it's free, it'll just be a box of poo-poo".

Chapter 3

Homestar went back home and tried to forget about the turd. He was hungry so he
ate some marshmallows and watched some TV. Then after that he decided to go
online, so he went on MSN but there were only 2 people online. “Let’s see, Evan A
Martin is idle, so he isn’t gonna reply. Aww, what a shame, Ava-I Love Homestar is
offline. Pompom is online, but busy. OH CRAP! I forgot to return this bladder health
book back to the library!” Said Homestar. Homestar went to the library to return
that pee help book. On his way there, his stomach felt like he was gonna have
diarrhea soon. He was inside the library and waiting in line to return the book. Then
some girls said, “Oh look, it’s pee-pee star from that youtube video!”. “Dammit
Strong Bad, why did you have to put that on youtube?!” Homestar said to himself.
His stomach started grumbling. Then he was finally next to return his book. The
librarian said, “May I see your library card?” Homestar said “sure” but when he bent
over to get his library card he farted and then diarrhea came bursting out of his
butt; all liquid. Bursting into the air from his underwear like a water hose showering
the whole library. People screamed and one kid even said “MOMMY! I’M SCARED!”.
The librarian ducked under the desk. Then Marzipan came into the door all happy
looking then she gets knocked down on the floor by Homestar’s brown watery
stream. Marzipan looks pissed. Homestar finally stopped pooing liquid. He was
crying though. But then he started to pee; all over his feet. The librarian came up
and said, “Here, I’ll renew this library book because you need it. You still have
bladder issues. May I suggest books on bowel problems?” “Fine.” Said Homestar.
Homestar left the library with the books and went home. He took a shower and
washed his little butt. The next day Marzipan is convincing Strong Bad to go to the
library with her to find a book. “But do I have to?” said Strong Bad. “Yes, you have
to Strong Bad” Said Marzipan. They went inside the library and then Strong Bad
sniffed the air and said, “Eww! What’s that smell? And what’s that brown all over
the library?” Marzipan said, “It’s a long story Strong Bad, a long story…………”

Chapter 4

A few days later, Homestar was invited to go out to dinner with Marzipan, Strong
Bad, Strong Mad, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Pompom. Coach z, Bubs,The King Of
Town, The Poopsmith, and Homsar didn’t get invited though. So they all went to
Sonny’s to eat; “May I take your order” said the waiter. “Patrick Star?” said
Marzipan. “Yeah! It’s me! Patrick!” said Patrick. “I’ll have a salad with crutons,
beans, tofu, and a water.” said Marzipan. “Yeah I’ll have a steak, some baby back
ribs, a hamburger with french fries, and a root beer.” said Strong Bad. “Oh! I’ll
have a salad, coleslaw, fries, garlic bread, and a sprit.” said Homestar. “I WANT A
COKE AND FRENCH FRIES! NOW!!!” said Strong Mad. “I’ll have the baby back ribs
with a pepsi.” said Strong Sad. *Bubble Bubble* said Pompom. “The Cheat will
have a diet coke with beans.” said Strong Bad. Meanwhile, Patrick was picking his
nose and writing down the orders. “EWW!” said Strong Bad; “This is the guy who’s
gonna give us our food? HE’S PICKING HIS FREAKIN’ NOSE!” “Almost got it….GOT
IT” said Patrick pulling out a huge white booger from his nose and putting it on The
Cheat. “meh meh” said The Cheat sadly. While waiting for their food, they chit
chat. “I heard that the library got shut down.” said Strong Sad. “Why I wonder…”
“Hehehehehe…..”laughed Homestar very weakly. “Because Homestar crapped all
over the freakin’ library!” said Strong Bad. “HERE’S YOUR FOOD!” said Patrick.
“WAH!” Patrick slipped on a banana peel and the food went up in the air and
landing in Marzipan’s hair and all over her. Then the coke spilled in Homestar’s lap.
“UH OH ! I GOTTA POO!” said Patrick running to the bathroom. “I’m gonna go try to
take this coke stain out” said Homestar. Homestar walks towards the bathroom
and as he opens the door, he hears a loud fart coming from Patrick. “UUHG!! IT’S
COMING! Oh, by the way Homestar, here’s your garlic bread.” said Patrick. “Um,
why is it brown?” said Homestar. “Oh, I must of mixed that up with the toilet
paper…” said Patrick. “EWWWW!” said Homestar, as he tried to take the stain out
he said, “I gotta pee.” So he went, but he had his eyes closed so he peed on the
floor. Patrick went to go tell everybody that Homestar peed on the floor (Even
though Patrick pulled out that booger and had to poo, he tells on Homestar).
Homestar was upset and humileated and he cried :’( Strong Bad was laughing so
hard and Marzipan was laughing very eviliy. “Oh I’ll get Patrick next time….” Said

Chapter 5

After the restaurant, they all did some crap then it was nighttime. Then morning came.
Homestar wakes up and goes to eat breakfast. He feels depressed and doesn't want to live anymore because of all the embarrassment. :'( He
starts to think about all the people who have hurt him and so on, then he cried. Without thinking deeply, he goes to the bathroom and turns
the bathwater on, and gets a razor blade. He tries to cut himself, But he can't.
“Ow!” Said Homestar. “Screw this, I'll try pills.”
Homestar reaches in the medicine cabinate and chooses some pills, without looking at the label.
“I want everyone to feel bad about what they've done; I'm gonna call them all over to my house.” Said Homestar.
Homestar then calls everyone, even the people who were his friends (Pompom). An hour or so later, they arrive.
“Everyone! I am going to take my own life ;_;. I'm doing it in public to make you all feel so bad.” Said Homestar.
Homestar then gulps down a huge bottle of pills.
“Hey Crap for brains! You just gulped down STOOL SOFTENERS” Said Strong Bad. Everyone started laughing
“uh oh” Said Homestar, farting a lot. “I gotta go!”
He runs to the bathroom farting loudly.
“AHAAHAHA! HA HA HA” Said Patrick Star, who was hiding behind the couch.
“When did you get here?” Said Strong Bad
“I was always behind here. Ever since yesterday” Said Patrick
Everyone slowly backs away from him. Homestar screams and Pompom ran to see what happened.
“AHHHHHH I FEEL MY INSIDES ARE COMING OUT” Said Homestar with a loud fart.
“BUBBLE BUBBLE” Said Pompom, giggling.
“No more suicide X_X” Said Homestar
“I WIN!” Said Patrick.
“Go away Patrick” Said Homestar
“Make me. I can probably beat your butt up!” Said Patrick
“I don't think so. Blow it out your ear!” Said Homestar
Patrick then jumps on Homestar, pushing Homestar off the toilet. He proceeds to punch Homestar in my stomach, and while he does, Homestar farts
and diarrhea comes out.
“Stop!” Said Homestar
“You deserve this!” Said Patrick, starting to spank Homestar
“EWW” Said Strong Bad
Homestar then kicks Patrick crotch. Patrick then yelps and falls down. Marzipan comes in.
“Aww Patrick! :( Did Homestar hurt you?” Said Marzi.
“Yes he did. He's a butthole! He pooed on me too!” Said Patrick
“That's a damn lie!” Said Homestar
“See! He cussed!” Said Patrick.
“Lets clean you up Patrick, then we can go on a date” Said Marzi. Patrick then smiles. They both leave to have a shower together.
“Well, we better go too” Said Strong Bad. They all leave, except for Pompom.
“Bubble bubble?” Said Pompom
“No, it's fine pompom. You can go” Said Homestar. Pompom shrugs, then leaves.
“ugh, nothing works. I guess I'll have to face this a lot now X_X” Said Homestar. “and I STILL didn't defeat Patrick yet. But I will” Said
Homestar in an angry voice.

Aaannndd, the rest is to be continued :D