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Latest revision as of 17:10, 20 December 2008

Sup, people's! My name is Sam The Man. I love the Homestar Runner website and Strong Bad is my favorite character. I was formally the owner of The Strong Bad Allegiance (SBA), but retired for some reasons {darts eyes back and forth}. Anyways, I found this site while looking for Strong Bad and have been contributing to it ever since. I strongly suggest you visit the Knowledge Base. It is awesome! I have AIM. My name is "smurr1212". If you want, AIM me. I have a profile, but if you want to see it, you have to get a screen name and ask to be my buddy.
I'm a project type and helpful wiki user guy. Here are all of my contributions, both HRWiki and HRFWiki. (In the Knowledge Base section, I listed my proud contributions)

Knowledge Base Contributions

Fanstuff Contributions


Ahh yes, nothing better then userboxes I say. They describe you according to me. Here are mine:

User:Sam the Man/userbox

Quote of Whenever

Oooh, it's quote time.

Exclamation Mark.png

Ja, now here's a sneak peek at our new wideo.

These are just some of my friends.

So there's myself. Yes, this userpage is ripped off from Joshua a bit, but, still it's my page! See more information at my Basic Information Page.
This is Sam the Man, saying Goodbye!